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: 2009.09.05
Szerk.: Chiquitita
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Az oldal nem ll kapcsolatban a tagokkal, se semmilyen ms hivatalos ABBA szervezettel, ez csupn egy rajongi oldal. Az oldalon tallhat dolgokrt felelssget nem vllalok!

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Az oldalon tallhat letlttt dolgokat csak akkor trolhatod vglegesen, ha rendelkezel az eredeti pldnyokkal, ahogy n is! Ellenkez esetben 24 rn bell trlnd kell, vagy bncselekmnyt kvetsz el! Az itt tallhat zenei anyagokbl semmilyen anyagi hasznom nem szrmazik, s te sem hasznlhatod ilyen clra!



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Kvetkez 10 cikkElz 10 cikk

20th anniversary / 20 ve trtnt

  2014.10.11. 21:02


The box "Thank You For The Music" saw its release on October 31, 1994.

The first official ABBA Box entitled "Thank You For The Music" containing 4 CDs saw its release on October 31, 1994. The box featured 3 CDs with ABBA songs recorded between 1972 and 1982 as well as one CD with rare songs and previously unreleased stuff which was mixed together in a medley. Among unreleased songs there were parts of: "Just Like That", "Rubber Ball Man", "Hamlet" and many others. Even other previously unreleased songs as "Put On Your White Sombrero", "Dream World" and the Doris Day version of "Thank You For The Music" saw their release on this box. A 66-side-booklet contained hundreds of rare pictures as well as the story of the group.




Az els hivatalosan megjelent Abba box 1994. oktber 31-n jelent meg.

A 4 cd-t tartalmaz klnleges kiads nem csak ezrt volt jdonsg.

A negyedik cd sok eddig mg sosem hallott felvtelt tartalmazott a rajongk nagy rmre.

A 66 oldalas kis knyv pedig bemutatta az egyttes fantasztikus plyafutst s pr sosem ltott kpet is tartalmazott.






Bjrn MM in Helsinki

  2014.09.29. 19:44


Bjrn Lenaval, felesgvel rkezett a Mamma Mia helsinki-i bemutatjra.




Yesterday evening, more than 15 years after Mamma Mia! first opened in London’s West End, Bjrn Ulvaeus, accompanied by his wife Lena, attended the premiere of the latest production of the musical at Helsinki’s Svenska Teatern.

As he arrived for the performance, Bjrn spoke of his astonishment at Mamma Mia!’s ongoing success: “It is very strange to be here when I think of ABBA’s early years, and what it was like. We never thought that our popularity would last more than one year, but we got 40!” he said.



Frida Skavlan

  2014.09.29. 19:33


Agnetha, Benny s Bjrn utn a negyedik Abba tag is interjt adott a svd Skavlan msorban.

Frida beszlt nehz letrl s terveirl egy memor megrsrl.

Remlem valra vlik, hogy megrja lettrtnett, ahogy Agnetha is tette.




ABBA-Frida has put words to the tragedies in her life.

”Skavlan” she reveals her plans of writing a book about her life. Writing has helped me when I have gone through harder periods of my life, Anni-Frid Lyngstad says.

I SVT:s talkshow "Skavlan" on Friday Frida, 68 makes a rare performance. When the show was taped the ABBA-icon that she us working on a book about her life. A life filled wit pop star dreams coming true but also of deep sorrow. In 1998 her 30 year old daughter Ann Lise-Lotte Casper in a car accident in the USA. The following year Anni-Frid's husband, price Ruzzo Reuss von Plauen from cancer. He was only 49 years old.

– I have always written a lot. Nothing that I have published. But in my pivate life it has helped me go throughs things,
The book will not be just a regular memoir and the date for publishing is't decided yet.
- I would more call it a "story" not just a "memoir",
- But of course I am involved but in a bif of a different way she tells Fredrik Skavlan.

Anni-Frid Synny Lyngstad was born in Norwy, and were almost only two years old when her mother died. She grew up with her grandmother in Sweden. 1986 she moved to Switzerland for the love of her prince.

"Loneliness became my companion"
During the recording of the "Skavlan" show the singer also talk about the great loneliness she has experienced during her life.

- A rather big loneliness which in the beginning bothered me, but has grown to something she appreciates and has become a friend during the years. I actually enjoy it now that we have bec ome "friends". It doesn't bother me, I ejnjoy it as well.

Apart from her successfull music career Anni-Frid has Anni-Frid has been very involved in environmental issues. That part of my life will also be written about in the book.
- I want to write a story with ecological parts since I hadworked with it earlier a lot and I'm still very close to nature.


ABBA live

  2014.09.03. 20:10


The grande premiere for ABBA Live at Wembley. In stores 29/9!

The ABBA Live promotion


Benny and his son Ludvig promoted the forthcoming release of "ABBA Live" (out on September 29th) at Benny's studio on Skeppsholmen in Stockholm on Wednesday September 3rd. Around 20 journalists from Sweden, Germany, the United Kingdom, Bulgaria and Australia attended the promotional meeting. Ludvig worked with the mixing of the material for the album. The live album features previously unreleased song "I'm still Alive" written and performed by Agnetha, the opening track "Gammal fbodapsalm" as well as a different musical version of "Money Money Money".




A most megjelen album bemutatja.




35th Anniversary / 35 ve trtnt

  2014.08.01. 14:55

35 years ago

The single "Angeleyes"/"Voulez-Vous" peaked at #3 on the UK chart on August 11th, 1979.

35 vvel ezeltt kerlt az angol toplistkra ez a kislemez.

/Kedvenc kpem a bortn/


40thAnniversary / 40 ve trtnt

  2014.08.01. 14:51

40 years ago

Recording sessions for the LP "ABBA" started on August 22nd, 1974.

I have 3 copies of it Polar, Muza and Atlantic.

And the rare Opus version different tracklist on it.


40 ve kezddtek az Abba c. lemez felvtelei.

Hrom fle kiadsban van meg nekem Polar, Muza s Atlantic.

s a klnleges Opus ms szmokkal.

News / Hrek

  2014.07.22. 13:45


A szeptemberben megjelen live albumrl letlthet illetve hallgathat a Knowing me knowing you c. dal  az ITunerl illetve az Amazonrl.

Knowing me knowing you is available on Amazon and iTunes for listen to and download.


New releases / Hamarosan megjelenik

  2014.07.04. 13:26

sszel vrhat a limitlt arany dobozos kiads.

A 40. vfordulra tbb j kiads vrhat.

ABBA The Museum is proud to announce that Abba Gold will be released on 27th October 2014 in a unique collectors format as a steel box edition with magnetic lenticular cover.



Szeptemberben jelenik meg 3 lemezen az l koncert felvtele.

Klnlegessge, hogy Agnetha sajt dala elszr kerl cd-re s hanglemezre "I'm still alive".

In September will be released this live album. 3 LP-s and cd-s.

Very special because Agnetha's song will be released first on LP and cd "I'm still alive".




A legsikeresebb Abba album ismt megjelenik lemezen.




Best selling Abba album will be released again on vinyl.



ABBA The Museum

  2014.07.01. 15:53

Tegnap Mick Jagger az Abba mzeumban jrt, mivel egyttesvel  a The Rolling Stones-szal Stockholmban koncertezik.

Elmondta, hogy szeretne Londonban ltrehozni egy mzeumot sajt egyttesnek is, ezrt is kvncsi milyen az Abba mzeum.

Egy rt tlttt bent, sokat krdezskdtt, minden rszletesen rdekelte.

Kiprblta Tretow keverpultjt is.Tbb kpet is ksztett mobiljval.

Majd ltogatsa vgn vsrolt egy Abba plt s a Backstage story c. knyvet.

Kint rajongk vrtk. Intett nekik, de autogrammot nem adott.  Majd folytatta esti krtjt Stockholmban.

Termszetesen amennyire lehetett titokban.




Mick Jagger turns up - with ABBA 30/6/14

The Legends' car arrived during this evening at ABBA Museum.

- Yes, he was here. More than that, I can not say, says Catarina Falkenhav the ‪#‎ABBA Museum.

After an hour of cultural experience, Jagger carried on to stermalm and Teatergrillen. Shortly after eight o'clock in the evening Mick Jagger left the Grand Htel.

The star was escorted out through the back door to a waiting Mercedes.

A bunch of guards created an iron ring around Jagger to protect him from the fans.

He waved to the accumulation but signed no autographs.

The ride then went up to Djurgården, where Ronnie Wood was to dine at the Ulla Winbladh restaurant.

"Can not provide details of individual guests"

But instead of turning into the establishment, Mick Jagger carried on - and stopped outside the ABBA museum. There was a woman there to him, who took him into a hotel which is adjacent to the museum.

A little later in the evening reports were confirmed that it was the Swedish super Quartet own museum that attracted Jagger.

- Yes, he was here. More than that, I can not say, says Catarina Falkenhav at the ABBA museum.

Greeted at the fans

After about an hour indoor driven a car front and guards escorted Jagger out of the room. Security around the old rock fox is rigorous and the guards made sure that the 20 or so fans who waited did not come close to the star.

Jagger himself drew the attention of the fans' presence as best he could with the cry:?

- Hello there!

Then he was driven from the island of Djurgården and the journey went on to stermalm and Teatergrillen, where he alone walked in shortly after 21 o'clock on Monday evening.

"It is hysterical"

Ronnie Wood and his wife Sally Humphreys chose to upload the gallery Wallmark.

At seven in the evening showed the star up there, along with Mick Taylor, to visit an exhibition opening in his honor.

About a hundred people were invited to the secret art showing.

- There are no fans here. It's just art people. He walks around and shows her paintings. Right now there are so many people. It's hysterical, says Jan Wallmark, who runs the gallery.


Fans around the arena / Rajongk az arna krl

Story / Trtnet

  2014.06.29. 15:09


Sokat gondolkoztam azon, hov is tegyem az oldalon ezt a trtnetet.

Keresgltem a neten s meglttam ezt a rgi kpet. Eszembe jutott, hogy errl olvastam valahol, hogy hogyan is kszlt.

Termszetesen Stockholmban a Bravo ltal kszlt a felvtel 1974-ben Bubi Heilemann volt a fots.

A trtnet:

Amikor helyszneket keresgltek a kpekhez a vrosban ezen a tren /Gamla stan/ prblgattk a belltsokat. Bennynl s Bjrnnl nem volt hangszer.

Viszont mivel vrbeli zenszek, mikor meglttak egy mgttk lv hangszerbolt kirakatban tbb ms hangszer mellett egy bendzst s egy gitrt, bementek az zletbe, megvsroltk, majd kihoztk a kphez s pzoltak vele a fent lthat belltsban.



The BRAVO session - Gamla stan

In the summer 1974 German pop photographer Wolfgang Heilemann took several photo sessions with ABBA in Stockholm. One of them was taken on Jrntorget in the Old Town.

When I saw this old pic somewhere I remembered that I read a story about how it's taken.

I don't know where I read this but never forget.

This session was taken on Gamla Stan.

Benny  and  Brn hadn't instruments but they found a music store behind them.

They went in and bought these instruments after this they posed for this session smiling.



Kvetkez 10 cikkElz 10 cikk

Nap kpe/Pic of the day

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