FRIDA & Dan Daniell "1865 - The Anthem" |
2014.12.18. 21:19 |
FRIDA & Dan Daniell "1865 - The Anthem"
The Official CD Cover
This morning, Dan Daniell confirmed and published the official CD cover for the brilliant, new track "1865", sung by FRIDA, Dan Daniell and with backing vocals by the group "WintersHome". Note the reversed "R" in FRIDA`s Name GREAT!!!
Frida új dalt jelentet meg Dan Daniellel közösen jövő év elején.
A hivatalos borító most került bemutatásra.
A háttér énekesek "WintersHome" együttes tagjai.
To mark Matterhorn’s anniversary, Frida will be joining up with the Zermatt singer Dan Daniell and some youngsters of Zermatt to record the Matterhorn anthem "1865" on CD. It will be available in store from February 13, 2015.
In 2015, Zermatt will be commemorating the 150 anniiversary of the first ascent of the Matterhorn. To mark this occasion, the Zermatt singer Dan Daniell registered a song with Frida from ABBA, who lives in Zermatt. The anthem for the 2015 anniversary was written by the Zermatt native Urs Biner. The owner of the premium restaurant "Chez Heini" is a top chef, author and first and foremost a singer - he has been releasing albums for more than two decades under the name of Dan Daniell.
Biner was able to count on the help of a good friend to sing the official song for the Matterhorn anniversary: It is none other than the ABBA legend Anni-Frid "Frida" Lyngstad. They will be singing the song "1865" as a duet. The song brings the dramatic race to the summit of the Matterhorn to life with the power of a chorale and its impressive lyricism. It is the perfect soundtrack for an anniversary that will surely attract attention from all over the world. Dan and Frida were supported in the chorus and backing by the Zermatt group "Wintershome". The anthem was recorded in Zermatt.
The proceeds from the sale of the single will go to the foundation "Frida and Dan Daniell for children," which Frida set up together with Dan Daniell. The Foundation supports small projects in Switzerland, but also in Europe and around the world.
The world star and creative top chef, the anniversary and the myth, the song and the good cause: Great ingredients for an exceptional project that will not only get a resounding welcome from the global ABBA community.
"1865 - The Anthem". Available online for pre-order from 1.1.2015 at itunes and from 13.02.2015 from retailers.
For donations:
Frida & Dan Daniell für Kinder
CH61 8049 6000 0066 7976 7
3920 Zermatt
Stichwort: 1865Hymne
(c) Marc Kronig,
The winner bakes it all? / A nyertes mindent kisüt? |
2014.12.05. 19:45 |
Would you like to see Benny Andersson baking some kind of "crispy bread"?
This is about Leksandsbröd, a swedish family company. Crispbread factory outlet.
It was in January 2013 that Leksandsbröd decided to move production of Vika bread from Great Skedvi and 31 people lost their jobs. Since then, hundreds of people committed to bring back the bread to the countryside.
The owners have also sold a third of the company to other investors. One of them, the most famous of them, baked the first loaf on Thursday. It was none other than Benny Andersson.
- I'm very fond of crispbread, I think it's some kind of cultural achievement, it belongs to our cultural heritage, Benny explains.
In contrast, Benny Andersson thinks He won´t engage to some bread related songs to come.
- I don´t think so, but you never know, said Benny.
Valami egészen más!
Csak röviden a lényeg.
2013-ban egy kenyérsütő cég kénytelen volt bezárni és több száz ember elvesztette az állását.
Eladták a céget és a vevők közt megtalálható Benny is, aki nagyon kedveli ezt a kenyeret, melyet nemzeti kultúrájuk részének tart.
Vajon lesz új dal erről, kap-e inspirációt?
Benny válasza:
Nem hiszem, de kit tudja?
Eskilstuna Music Prize 2014. |
2014.12.05. 19:40 |
Congratulations Frida!
Eskilstuna Music Prize 2014 Winner is ... Anni-Frid Lyngstad
So deserved!
The jury’s reasoning:
“Anni-Frid Lyngstad’s pioneering career in the world of music for almost sixty years has made her an icon and an example for generations. Through her success, both with ABBA and as a solo artist, she has become an idol to millions of fans all over the world and has left an indelible imprint in musical history. "
Gratuláció Fridának!
2014-ben ő nyerte az Eskisltuna Zenei díjat.
A zsűri méltatta pályafutását a kezdetektől az Abbán át.
Milliók példaképe lett, sok sok rajongót szerzett és beírta magát a pop zene történetébe.
ABBA Monopoly |
2014.12.03. 19:23 |
Új társasjáték.
Az ABBA Monopoly.
The name of the game. : )
New game on its way to release.
The name of the game is ABBA Monopoly. : )
10th Anniversary / 10 éve történt |
2014.11.30. 18:21 |
A very nice release containing all solo production officially released on LPs and SPs during the period of 1967-1979. The booklet was written in two languages (Swedish and English). Agnetha's solo career was described professionally and some less known pictures of Agnetha were included in the booklet.
I am very proud of having this nice rare box.
10 éve jelent meg Agnetha nagyon szép kiadványa, melyben 1967-79-ig összes szólólemeze és egy bónusz lemez is található.
A mellékelt kiskönyvben több eddig még meg nem jelent kép is található.
Büszke vagyok rá, hogy nekem megvan ez a különleges box.
35th Anniversary / 35 éve történt |
2014.11.30. 18:17 |
The last ABBA single in the 1970s and the last single selected from the album "Voulez-Vous" was "I Have a Dream" featuring Anni-Frid in lead vocals. The B-side in most of the territories was a live version of "Take A Chance On Me". The single entered the UK chart on 15 December 1979 and it stayed there for 10 weeks reaching #2.
35 éve jelent meg az együttes kislemeze.
Különlegessége, hogy a B oldal több országban a live verziója volt a Take a chance on me c. dalnak.
25th Anniversary / 25 éve történt |
2014.11.18. 18:49 |
November 1989
Benny's solo album "November 1989" featured 10 instrumental compositions and one song "The Conducator" performed by Tommy Körberg with lyrics written by Björn. The album was released in November and became a big success in Scandinavia receiving Swedish Grammy Award in February 1990.
"November 1989" was available as LP, CD and MC.
November 1989
Benny szólóalbuma 25 évvel ezelőtt jelent meg novemberben.
Ez az album 10 zenekari művet tartalmaz.
The conducator címmel egyetlen szöveges dal található rajta Tommy Körberg előadásában Björn szövegével.
Nagy siker volt a skandináv országokban 1990 februárjában Grammy díjat is kapott.
Laleh Chiquitita |
2014.11.18. 18:20 |
Az Abba együttes Chiquitia c. dala újabb sikereket hoz.
Ezt a dalt az együttes összes jogával együtt felajánlotta az UNICEF-nek 1979-ben.
Azóta sok-sok pénzt szerzett a rászoruló gyerekeknek.
30 millió koronát.
Most különleges változata kerül kiadásra a szerzők engedélyével.
A svéd Laleh énekesnő adja elő a jól ismert slágert.
Agnetha énekelte az eredeti verziót, ez teljesen más lesz.
November 18-án jelenik meg a dal.
ABBA & Laleh's music million gift to vulnerable girls
Now Laleh makes her own version of the band's cult song
ABBA's gift to Unicef has collected 30 million kronor. Now the song will give even more.
First to interpret "Chiquitita" is Laleh.
- She is perfect, says Björn Ulvaeus A talented woman who could have been a Chiquitita.
The original of "Chiquitita" has collected 30 million kronor for UNICEF.
Now the four members of ABBA give all of the song's royalties to UN's campaign for children. The new recording with Laleh is the start of a new campaign.
On January 9, 1979 ABBA took part in a concert in the UN General Assembly, together with, among others, the Bee Gees, Rod Stewart, John Denver, Earth, Wind & Fire, and Donna Summer. Since then, they have donated a portion of their royalties for the song to UNICEF. Now they give all their revenues for the song to the UN Children's Fund.
To get even more people to listen, every year the band will invite a new artist to record the song.
- It's incredibly exciting to be involved in this project, says Laleh in a filmed greeting. I love ABBA and I love the song. It may not change the world, but it can change some person's world like mine was changed.
Hailed by Fältskog
On Thursday, November 20th, Laleh and Björn Ulvaeus will be at the UN headquarters in New York when the 25th anniversary of the children's convention is observed. He will talk, she will sing "Chiquitita".
When the original was recorded, it was Agnetha Fältskog who sang the first verse.
- In her own personal way, the talented Laleh has given us a completely "new" Chiquitita, Agnetha writes today. With a voice that expresses so many shades of joy, sadness and more. A fantastic fantasy arrangement, it just pulls you in.
The ABBA Museum on Djurgarden also makes a special exhibition on "Chiquitita" and the cooperation with UNICEF. In particular, efforts to help girls and young women's rights in the world.
"Press play to give" is the project's name and it is also the name of the website. By listening to "Chiquitita" on Spotify or modify streamed services, you can contribute with money for UNICEF.
"Chiquitita" by Laleh released at 09:00 on 18 November.
Here you can see the UNICEF Gala 2014.
Itt megnézheted az egész műsort! UNICEF Gala 2014.
Frida new song / Frida új dal |
2014.11.13. 22:19 |
Breaking News... Frida & Dan Daniell recorded an amazing new song! More infos coming soon!
Together with her good friend & Swiss singer Dan Daniell and the Swiss group WintersHome, Frida went into the recording studio recently.
We are going to hear the result very soon ..
Are you as excited as we are?
A huge thanks to Dan Daniel for this photo!
Nagy hír! Frida újra a stúdióban Dan Daniellel vett fel új dalt!
Még több infó majd később.
Today in Abba history / A mai napon történt |
2014.10.29. 11:33 |
October 29, 2008 A Winter Symphony is a Christmas album from the English soprano singer Sarah Brightman,
Released in November 2008 IN THE US
Selling about 14,000 copies on the first week in the United States, the album debuted at number thirty-eight on the Billboard Top 200. It also made other debuts such as the Top Classical Crossover Albums at number-three. It scored a number six in the Top Holiday Albums, being the first entry for Brightman on this chart and debuted at number-four on the Top Internet Albums. Up to December 2008, the album had sold over 100.000 copies in the U.S.
"Arrival", which had working titles of "Fiol", "Ode to Dalecarlia" & "Arrival in Dalecarlia", was the instrumental title track from Swedish pop group ABBA's album of the same name.
"Arrival" was the second and last song from the group not to contain lyrics, following "Intermezzo No.1" the previous year.
Sarah Brightman recorded this vocal version for her 2008 seasonal album A Winter Symphony, with previously unused lyrics from Björn Ulvaeus, which he wrote in 1999 for possible inclusion in the Mamma Mia! musical.
" Arrival " 2008 Sarah Brightman ( Lyrics by Bjorn Ulvaeus 1999 )
2008-ban ezen a napon jelent meg ez a cd. Az angol szoprán énekesnő Sarah Brightman énekel csodálatos téli és karácsonyi dalokat ezen az albumon.
A lemez érdekessége, hogy az Arrival c. dal is elhangzik rajta, aminek eredetileg nem volt szövege. Björn 1999-ben írt hozzá szöveget a Mamma Mia musical számára.
Ez az egyik és az utolsó szöveg nélküli Abba dal az Intermezzo No.1. után.