35th Anniversary / 35 éve történt |
2015.04.01. 11:17 |
The documentary "ABBA in Concert" was broadcasted for the first time by Swedish TV on April 7th, 1980.
"ABBA in Concert"
A svéd TV 1980 április 7-én mutatta be először ezt a koncertfilmet.
Először VHS-en majd később DVD-n is megjelent.
Benny in Copenhagen / Benny Koppenhágában |
2015.03.28. 16:16 |
Hjälp sökes in Denmark
The B&B musical "Hjälp sökes" is entitled HJÆLP SØGES when it has its Danish premiere on April 12th, 2015 at the Østre Gasværk Teater. Benny is in Copenhagen working with the preparations. The musical will be played in Copenhagen until June 7th. The main characters are played by well-known Danish actors Jesper Asholt and Jesper Lohmann.
A Hjalp sökes c. musical dán előadásának előkészítésében vesz részt Benny. A bemutató április 12-én lesz.
A főbb szerepeket híres dán színészek játsszák.
40th Anniversary / 40 éve történt |
2015.03.26. 09:18 |
40 éve jelent meg ez a fantasztikus album.
Repül az idő.................
Számos országban különféle lemezkiadóknál jelent meg.
Először a Fernando nélkül, majd a második kiadásra felkerül a legújabb világsiker is.
Ez még jobban megnövelte az eladási számot.
A grafikát nyerte az együttes a Veckorevyn nevű újság szavazásán. Az olvasók az év együttesének választották őket. A díjat jótékonysági célra ajánlották fel.
Hans Arnold készítette a grafikát. A belső borítón a híres parkos kép látható.
Gyűjteményemben több változatot is láthatsz.
The first Scandinavian version of "Greatest Hits" was released on November 17th, 1975. The gatefold cover featured painting of ABBA created by Hans Arnold and the classical picture of ABBA on the park bench. The first issue of the album did not include "Fernando" but the song was added on the later international versions of the album. The Scandinavian release of "Greatest Hits" contained 14 songs which had been successful in Sweden, Norway and Denmark between 1972 and 1975. Even some non-single hits as "Hasta Mañana" or "Another Town Another Train" were included on this compilation.
ABBA became group of the year in the voting of the readers of the Swedish magazine "Veckorevyn". They were awarded with a painting of Hans Arnold and 5000 Swedish Crowns which the group decided to give for charity.
You can find some LP in my collection,too.
Benny 2015. |
2015.03.17. 20:50 |
Benny Andersson was stopped by police for speeding.
Now he risks getting rid of the license.
"I've been driving for 50 years and has never before been warned" he writes in an appeal to the Administrative Court
It was December 4 last year as Benny Andersson, 68, was stopped by police in Enkoping area. He then drove the 138 km / h on the highway with the 110 limit. Now revoked his license by the Swedish Transport Agency, which Andersson appeal in a letter to the Administrative Court in Stockholm.
Want to suspend the driving license
Benny Andersson has been fined for speeding on two occasions in 2013, which is also one of the reasons for Transport Agency now wants to suspend the driving license. In August 2013, he drove in 114 km / h in 90-way and two months later in 47 km / h where it was 30 limit.
Andersson's agent writes that musicians legend need the license because of many trips in the job and that it has been a long time since the last offense.
"I have never before been warned or been subject to driving a vehicle. I have been driving for about 50 years and using my car daily. "Writes Andersson himself in an opinion.
No decision
He claims now on retaining the license, or to cope with a warning. Transport Agency believes that the Administrative Court should dismiss the appeal, no decision has yet been taken by the court.
Benny Andersson has declined to comment on the incident.
A svéd Aftonbladet c. újságban jelent meg a következő hír.
Bennyt gyorshajtásért megállította a rendőrség és úgy néz ki meg kell válnia jogosítványától.
Benny erről úgy nyilatkozott:
50 éve vezetek és még sosem büntettek meg semmiért.
Enköpingnél állították meg mert a 110 km-es sebességhatárt jócskán túllépte 138 km-rel ment.
Sajtófőnöke úgy nyilatkozott, hogy Bennynek szüksége van a jogosítványára, minden nap használja az autóját ügyeit, produkcióit intézi.
Még nem született döntés az ügyében és minden további nyilatkozattól elzárkózott.
30th anniversary /30 éve történt |
2015.03.08. 12:13 |
Eyes of a Woman - the album
The sound on the album was more rocky and harder. The opening track "One Way Love" which would be the second single release from "Eyes of a Woman" was written by legendary Jeff Lynn from ELO. Agnetha contributed with "I Won't Let You Go" co-written with the producer of the album Eric Stewart who even had written two other songs - the beautiful ballad "I Won't Be Leaving You" and "Save Me (Why Don't Ya)". One of the most beautiful songs Agnetha ever recorded was without doubt "The Angels Cry" which was released as a single in The Netherlands. The photo sessions for the album were taken in the Drottningholm Castle outside Stockholm and featured Agnetha in dark blue clothes and a hat.
"Eyes of a Woman" stayed on the Swedish chart for 16 weeks peaking at #2.
30 éve jelent meg Agnetha szólóalbuma az Eyes of a Woman.
Egész más hangzásvilága van ennek a lemeznek, mint amit tőle megszokhattunk.
Nem is csoda hiszen az ELO zenésze írta a dalokat mások mellett.
A képek a lemezhez a Drottningholm kastélynál készültek.
16 hétig volt a svéd slágerlistán 2. helyezettként.
45th anniversary / 45 éve történt |
2015.03.01. 12:58 |
She Is My Kind of Girl
In March 1970 Björn and Benny released their very first single "She Is My Kind of Girl"/"Inga Theme". According to the four ABBA members no female vocals were used in this recording.
1970 márciusában jelent meg BB első közös dala "She Is My Kind of Girl"/"Inga Theme".
Ez a felvétel még semmilyen női vokált nem tartalmazott.
30th anniversary /30 éve történt |
2015.03.01. 12:52 |
I Won't Let You Go - the single
The first single from the forthcoming album was a real nice surprise for all Agnetha fans. It contained two songs written by Agnetha and Eric Stewart. "I Won't Let You Go" was a good song with a very strong melody and great vocal. The song on the B-side "You're There" was not available on the LP/CD until 2005 when it appeared as a bonus track on the "Eyes of a Woman" remaster CD. The single which was released in March 85 became hit in Sweden where it stayed on the chart for 8 weeks peaking at #6
30 éve jelent meg ez a kislemez nagy meglepetést okozva rajongóinak a közeljövőben megjelenő új albumáról.
"Eyes of a Woman" remaster CD 2005-ben tartalmazta bonuszként a "You're There" c. dalt. Addig sehol nem jelent meg, csak a kislemezen.
Lena & Björn 2015. |
2015.02.05. 19:38 |
Björn & Lena attended the opening of Magnus Härenstam's stand up-show at Intiman in Stockholm Wednesday evening. Lasse Hallström was also there. Magnus played the teacher in the "When I Kissed The Teacher"-video.
Björn & Lena részt vett egy stand up show-ban melyben Magnus Härenstam
szerepelt, aki anno a When I kissed the teacher videóban a tanár szerepét játszotta.
Lasse Hallström is ott volt.
/Az Abba videók rendezője és az Abba film direktora./
Frida |
2015.01.30. 21:27 |
BIG NEWS!! Frida and Dan are considering of recording a German language version of "1865"!
« Frida could sing with the biggest stars in the business, but she sings with me, says Dan Daniell who talks about his friendship to Frida in a very touching way. »
BLICK - Switzerland, 30th January 2015
Újabb hír Fridáról!
Legújabb felvétele német nyelven is elérhető lesz.
Dan Daniell azt mondja:
"Frida bármelyik hírességgel énekelhetne, de ő velem énekel."
Björn |
2014.12.18. 21:23 |
Now buy Bjorn Ulveaus its own musuem.
Today it became clear that the artist himself takes over the property in Stockholm where ABBA the Museum is housed.
Next year Bjorn Ulveaus of Abba Museum. Now, namely the artist bought
property on Djurgården in Stockholm where both Abba Museum, the hotel
Melody with associated restaurant and English Music Hall of Fame is
- The house has been up for sale for some time and to assure me that Swedish
Music Hall of Fame and Abba the museum would get a stable long-term
landlord with an understanding of the business, I decided to go in as
owner, says Björn Ulvaeus in a press release.
ABBA the Museum opened
in May 2013. In the autumn of 2014 visited among other things, Mick
Jagger of The Rolling Stones museum where he received a private tour and
sang with the hologram-Abba .
- I heard he would go there. I
suspect it will be built like those in London. That was why he wanted to
come and watch, said Bjorn Ulvaeus then.
How much Bjorn Ulveaus have paid to himself now buy ABBA the Museum is not clear.