Frida / Adam Ant |
2012.04.10. 22:12 |

Phil Collins and Hugh Padgham produced a new song of Adam Ant entitled "Strip" in spring 1983. Frida was invited to the studio where she recorded her speaking part for the song.
Frida's part: "It's at times like this, the great heaven knows/that we wish we had, not so many clothes/so lets loosen up, with a playful tease/like all lovers did through the centuries."
You can hear her voice at 1:50.
The song was released on Ant's LP "Strip" in November 1983 as well as on SP in December the same year.

Phil Collins s Hugh Padgham volt a producere Adam Ant Strip c. dalnak 1983 tavaszn. Fridt meghvtk a stdiba, hogy felvegyk vele a beszd rszt a dalban.
Frida's part: "It's at times like this, the great heaven knows/that we wish we had, not so many clothes/so lets loosen up, with a playful tease/like all lovers did through the centuries."
A felvtelen 1:50 percnl hallhat.
Informci a dalrl / More information about the song |
2010.09.18. 18:25 |

Morning Has Broken:
Az eredetije egy 19. szzadi eredet keresztny himnusz, egy nagyon szp r karcsonyi nek, gyermekkrusra, amit 1931-ben Eleanor Farjeon, elssorban a gyermekirodalomban alkot skciai r/kltn jtott fel, Percy Dearmer zenei tiratval. ( pap s zeneszerz volt, szmos korbbi egyhzi neket lesztett jj, egszen a kzpkorig visszamenleg.)
1971-ben Cat Stevens popzenei feldolgozsa tette ismertt a knnyzene vilgban (aki anyai gon svd szrmazs)
A Fridt ksr gitrosrl:
A 60-as vek vge, 70-es vek eleje progresszv s jazzrock idszaknak egyik jnev svd gitrost gy hvtk, hogy Georg Wadenius, de majd mindenki „Jojje Wadenius” nven ismerte. Ma is a legjobbak kztt jegyzik, s nem csupn Svdorszgban.
/ Marcsinak ksznm az inft./
More info about the song and Wadenius in English:
2010.09.06. 12:49 |

Ma hozta a posts a nagy meglepetst. Eredeti alrs Fridtl is!
El sem tudom mondani mennyire rlk neki.
Today I got an autogramm from Frida. I can't say what a feeling, I am soooooooooo happy!
j lemezem / New LP / Frida Shine |
2010.07.19. 22:43 |

Nagyon klnleges s ritka maxi lemez, FEHR bakelit! Kt szm van rajta az A oldalon lv a Shine c. dal hosszabb vltozata. A B oldalon tallhat dal Frida sajt szerzemnye. Ez az eredeti nagylemezen nem jelent meg.

Very rare and special maxi LP WHITE vinyl! It contains two track. The A side Shine is longer recording. The B side is her own song and didn't release on the original LP.
CD Svdorszgbl/ CD from Sweden Svensktoppar |
2010.02.24. 19:09 |

Nem vletlenl kerlt ez a cd Fridhoz, az Abbbl az dala szerepel a toplists szmokat felsorakoztat lemezen. A Fernando svdl. Hallhatunk Abba szmot is Lena Andersson eladsban aki az Abba httrnekese is volt koncertjeiken s mg msok tl is, ahogy a szmlista mutatja.
A cd-t bartnmtl kaptam egyenesen Svdorszgbl.
Kszi Melinda! 
I decided to place this CD in the Frida section. The reason is, that her Swedish Fernando is on the tracklist in original. We can hear Abba cover songs on the cd.
This cd came from Sweden!
Melinda thank you again! 
Fernando svdl |
2009.09.18. 14:05 |
Fernando svd nyelven, az Ensam LP-rl.
/Ezt a dalt is meghallgathatod!/
The album "Frida Ensam" (Frida Alone) was released by Polar Music on November 10th, 1975 in whole Scandinavia. The LP was promoted in Scandinavia by the song "Fernando" which entered Svensktoppen (in Sweden) in December 75 and it reached #1 where it stayed for 9 weeks. "Fernando" came out as a single in Norway.
/ You can listen to this song./ |
Anni-Frid Lyngstad a kezdet........The beginning.......... |
2009.09.18. 14:04 |
Frida az En ledig dag c. dallal robbant be a kztudatba Svdorszgban, mikor megnyert egy tehetsgkutat versenyt.
/Hallgasd meg ezt a dalt tle, a hangja mr ismers!/
In 1967 she won the competition "New faces" with "En ledig dag" in Skansen in Stockholm. She was a special guest at Lennart Hyland's TV special "Hylands hrna" the same day on September 3, 1967. |
Frida box |
2009.09.13. 19:57 |

Ebben a boxban Frida 4 szllemeze s egy riportot s rgi- j felvteleket tartalmaz dvd van. A riport Svjcban Zermattban egy kis tterem teraszn kszlt. Svdl mesl az letrl, rdekes t hallagtni mikzben beszl. Tbb nyelven van hozz felirat.

Finally the long awaited DVD with absolutely rare Frida material is available. The DVD contained a lot of video clips from her early TV appearances, during the ABBA time, after ABBA until now. Frida comments the material in Swedish which and it makes that the comments are interesting, intelligent and funny as she talks in her mother tongue. Lots of rarities are included on the DVD. The total time is 3 hours 25 minutes.
Autogramm |
2009.09.13. 17:09 |
Sajnos mg nem sikerlt tle eredeti autogrammot szereznem, nagyon remlem, sikerlni fog majd egyszer. 
I am waiting for it.................... |
Kislemez |
2009.09.13. 17:05 |
Ez a kislemez az els szllemez megjelense eltt kerlt a boltokba. |