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: 2009.09.05
Szerk.: Chiquitita
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Az oldal nem ll kapcsolatban a tagokkal, se semmilyen ms hivatalos ABBA szervezettel, ez csupn egy rajongi oldal. Az oldalon tallhat dolgokrt felelssget nem vllalok!

Szerzi  jogok
Az oldalon tallhat letlttt dolgokat csak akkor trolhatod vglegesen, ha rendelkezel az eredeti pldnyokkal, ahogy n is! Ellenkez esetben 24 rn bell trlnd kell, vagy bncselekmnyt kvetsz el! Az itt tallhat zenei anyagokbl semmilyen anyagi hasznom nem szrmazik, s te sem hasznlhatod ilyen clra!



Kpek/ Pictures





Kvetkez 10 cikkElz 10 cikk

35th Anniversary / 35 ve trtnt

  2015.06.23. 15:23

35 years ago

ABBA released the album "Gracias por la musica" on June 23rd, 1980.

1980. jnius 23-n jelent meg az egyttes spanyol nyelv albuma.

35 vvel ezeltt.


40th Anniversary / 40 ve trtnt

  2015.06.23. 15:18

40 years ago

The single "SOS" was released in Sweden on June 3rd, 1975.

40 vvel ezeltt 1975. jnius 3-n jelent meg az SOS kislemezen Svdorszgban.

ABBA The Museum

  2015.05.23. 14:04

Look at this beauty, premier for our ABBA The museum tram. Will be running the whole Summer. Pick the tram from Kungstrdgården when visiting us, stops at our doorstep. Welcome!

A Mzeum jabb meglepetse.

Stockholmban egsz nyron ez a klnlegesen dsztett villamos kzlekedik egszen a bejratig.



The Museum

  2015.04.22. 21:15


jabb nagy dobs a muzeumtl.

Calvero hres rock fnykpsz, aki az Abba korai idszakban s az utna is ksztett fotkat az egyttesrl.

Most lthatak s megvsrolhatk a kpek, valamint knyv is megjelent.





Starting tomorrow, 23'd of April, we welcome all visitors to our Fine Art Photography exhibition with 15 fantastic 'forgotten' photos of ABBA taken by the Swedish rock photographer Torbjrn Calvero! 
The photos will also be available for purchase in our museum- and web-shop starting tomorrow. Each photo is printed in two sizes, each size in a limited and numbered edition of 35, signed by the photographer. 

Bjrn 2015

  2015.04.19. 14:37

Bjrn article at the Tby Danderyd Magasin

The local magazine in the part of Stockholm where Bjrn lives published a big interview with several new pictures taken in his house. Bjrn is talking about ABBA of course as well as about his new projects and plans.

A vrosi jsgban ahol Bjrn l megjelent egy hosszabb interj.
Tbb j kpet is kzl az jsg, melyek Bjrn hzban kszltek.
Termszetesen nyilatkozik az Abbrl s j terveirl is.


THANK YOU FOR THE MUSIC ("the book of love")

  2015.04.17. 19:36

THANK YOU FOR THE MUSIC ("the book of love")

Today we received this message from Frida and Agnetha!!!

To you all,
A message of appreciation and gratitude for your true support over so many years, manifested in this brilliant book, initiated by Polar Music and Mia at Universal Sweden.
We are truly privileged to have had your love and support for such a long time, and how you show us that music has no borders and is the messenger of peace and love in a world in so much need of it!

With our best wishes,
Frida and Agnetha

Egy ve a hivatalos Abba oldalon lehetett zenetet kldeni az Abbnak.

Ksznet a zenrt.

Elkszlt ngy vastag nehz knyv az Abba tagjai rszre, mely tartamazza a rajongk zeneteit.

/ szintn remlem az enymet is. : ) /

Most Agnetha s Frida mond ksznetet.

" Hossz idn t tmogatst s szeretetet kaptunk ezrt kivltsgos helyzetben vagyunk.

A zennek semmi nem szab hatrt. A bkt s szeretetet hirdeti a vilgban, melynek erre igen nagy szksge van."

Agnetha s Frida




Mamma Mia! The party

  2015.04.17. 19:23

Mamma Mia! Sweden set to open ABBA restaurant 15 Apr 2015 By Emma Lfgren

Swedish Abba legend Bjrn Ulvaeus has told The Local that plans to create a Mamma Mia style entertainment venue in Stockholm, inspired by the Greek taverna in the smash movie and musical, could go global.

Ulvaeus announced on Wednesday that the new entertainment venue will be part restaurant, part stage show and part role play. Guests will be able to become the stars of their own personal version of Mamma Mia! The Musical.

Abba fans will be greeted by waiting staff and actors as soon as they walk through the doors. They will be able to listen to music, eat Greek food, watch and, which will perhaps excite fans the most, take part in the show.

"My vision is that this Greek taverna will be like a Mamma Mia bubble where people can just have a bloody good time. I can see the audience in front of me, how they're laughing and singing along and having loads of fun. I want to create the same party spirit that's the musical is so known for," Ulvaeus told The Local on Wednesday.

The stage will be set in a small restaurant on the Greek island Skopelos - where the musical took place - owned by a man called Nikos and his wife. And Ulvaeus promises there will be plenty of room for improvisation and audience participation, but only if the guests are up for it.

"If for example, I was to sit in the audience, the actors would see that 'this one, he doesn't want to participate, but that other guy, he wants to get up and dance'. People should feel safe," he said.

Mamma Mia! The Party is set to open on January 20th, 2016, at Grna Lund, one of Stockholm's main tourist attractions. But if the project is successful, it could expand.

"If it works in Sweden, there is no reason why it wouldn't work anywhere else," said Ulvaeus, but added that even non-Swedish Abba fans will be able to enjoy the Stockholm show.

"The lyrics will be in English and the actors will mix English and Swedish depending on the audience. If it's mostly an international audience it will be in English, because Swedes speak such good English anyway," he said.

The mysterious project sparked a global social media buzz when a website was launched last week, hinting at Ulvaeus' "new entertainment experiment", with some Abba fans hoping the project would spell a reunion for one of the world's most loved pop bands.

"That's probably not going to happen. Although, you never know..." Ulvaeus teasingly told reporters at Wednesday's press conference. But he later let on to The Local that he sometimes does get tired of the never-ending speculation.

"Yes... but what the heck, it's nice that people care," he said with a sigh and a smile.

Mamma Mia! the musical has been seen by 55 million people around the world since its debut in London in April 1999 and has been translated into 16 different language.

The movie version of the show featuring star actors Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan, Colin Firth, Amanda Seyfried and Stellan Skarsgård was also a global smash hit.

jabb meglepets az Abbtl illetve inkbb Bjrntl.

Krvonalazdik egy j terv Stockholmban Mamma mia stlus ttermet fognak nyitni a rajongk s a tristk rmre.

Bjrn rmmel mutatta be terveit az j ltvnyossgrl.

Promo video


Mamma Mia!

  2015.04.12. 11:56

'Mamma Mia!' to close on Broadway in September
NEW YORK (AP) — Mamma Mia!, Broadway's dancing queen, will close in September after a 14-year run that included two theaters and made it the eighth-longest running show on the Great White Way.
Producers said Thursday that the frothy musical that uses ABBA songs will close Sept. 5 after 5,765 performances. It has grossed more than $600 million — quite a lot of Money, Money, Money — and outlasted over 500 other Broadway productions.
A hit in London, the show opened in New York in dark times, just a few weeks after the 2001 terror attacks. The New York reception turned out to be much like everywhere else.
The feel-good show — featuring more than 20 classic ABBA hits, including Dancing Queen and S.O.S. — has been a hit in dozens of countries, including South Korea, Italy, Denmark, South Africa and Spain.
Producer Judy Craymer conceived of the show in the 1980s and approached members of ABBA. Instead of doing a musical about the band, she insisted their songs help tell an original story.
"I love musicals and I loved ABBA's songs and I genuinely believe that those songs were very theatrical," Craymer explained in 2013 when the show left the Winter Garden Theatre after 12 years to its current home at the Broadhurst Theatre.
"To me, The Winner Takes It All was the big 11 o'clock number. That has to be sung onstage by a woman. That is the Don't Cry for Me Argentina. And that's where it started."
Craymer teamed up with playwright Catherine Johnson and a story set on a Greek island was born: A young woman who is about to be married wants her father to give her away.
The musical also prompted Craymer to produce a movie version starring Meryl Streep that boosted the show's box office. The musical has resonated so much that it has in some ways become better known than the people who created the songs.
"People hear ABBA and they go, 'That's Mamma Mia!''" said Craymer.
5765 elads, ktmillird dollros bevtel – ezzel a mrleggel zr a Broadway egyik slger-musicalje, a Mamma Mia! szeptember 5-n, a Broadhurts Theatre-ben, ahol ezen a napon lthat utoljra.
A hrt, miszerint az elads vgleg bcszik a New York-i kznsgtll, a musical producere, Judy Craymer jelentette be prilis 9-n.
„A Mamma Mia! 14 v szenvedlyes szerelmi viszonynak rvendhet New York vrosval” – fogalmazott Craymer, hozztve, megtiszteltets szmra, hogy a produkcit a Broadway trtnetnek egyik legsikeresebb darabjaknt tartjk szmon. 
A Mamma Mia! premierjt 2001. oktber 5-n tartottk a Broadwayn, a Winter Garden Theatre-ben; 2013 novembertl a show-nak a Broadhurst Theatre adott otthont. Nemrg a musical a nyolcadik helyre ugrott a leghosszabb ideig fut Broadway-produkcik sorban.
Judy Craymer producer a New York Times-nak elmondta, hogy szavakkal nehz kifejezni azt az rmt, amit akkor rzett, amikor kiderlt, hogy az ABBA zenjre rt Mamma Mia!-t a Broadwayn is bemutatjk.
„Boldogsggal tlt el, hogy a Mamma Mia! elhozta az ABBA zenjt a Broadwayre, s nagyon hls vagyok annak a tbb szz embernek - sznszeknek, zenszeknek, mszaknak, a sznhz menedzsmentjnek s minden dolgozjnak -  akik  profizmusuk mellett szvket, lelkket adtk azrt, hogy egy csaldknt lehessnk rszesei a Broadway-kalandnak. Ksznettel tartozom a rajonginknak is, akik a vilg klnbz pontjairl utaztak ide az elads kedvrt” – tette hozz a producer.

The Museum

  2015.04.11. 12:57

Take a Selfie with ABBA's helicopter at the airport

Press Release • 2015-04-09

Stockholm Arlanda Airport is proud to partner with ABBA the Museum. The partnership means that the airport can show up parts of ABBA exhibition foretaste to the museum. Right now there is the opportunity to photograph himself and his companion in the famous helicopter from Arrival's cover , with a location in Terminal 5 .

At Stockholm Arlanda Airport, travelers and visitors to Stockholm and Sweden have a unique preview of ABBA the Museum. Right now, the helicopter from the cover of ABBA album Arrival in Terminal 5. And not only the helicopter, even the four ABBA members have landed and stand there together again, in the form of portraits as cardboard figures in natural size.

The helicopter is an exact replica of the one built into the album cover and is built by the same designers. It's fine to go into the helicopter, sit at the controls and take a Selfie - or why not take a groupie along with ABBA! A great view of Arrival are in the background to enhance the effect of album covers.

- The exhibition gives Arlanda something special and unique that does not exist anywhere else in the world, and that raises the airport experience for our customers and travelers. ABBA was the first major Swedish music exports since been followed. Therefore, it feels good to just Arlanda, letting a large part of Sweden's international contacts and tourism, to showcase a foretaste of ABBA the Museum, says Kjell-Åke Westin, Airport Director, Stockholm-Arlanda Airport.

The helicopter, which measures 230 centimeters in width and 195 centimeters in height, required some rebuilding of the landing gear to be able to pass through the more than two meters wide gates in Terminal 5.

Facts :

The helicopter is a copy of the Bell 47 helicopter used by ABBA for the cover of the album Arrival which was released in October 1976. The album's hits like Dancing Queen, Money Money Money and Knowing Me, Knowing You. The cover picture was taken at Barkarby airfield northwest of Stockholm by photographer Ola stock.

Az ABBA ismt visszatrt az Arlanda reptrre, pontosan az 5-s terminlra.

Kialaktottak egy sarkot, ahol fnykpezkedni lehet az Arrival httrrel a helikopterben lve.

Krbe vesznek az Abba tagjai a nem rgen elkszlt mzeumban lthat szobrok eredeti mret kpeivel.

A reptr a mzeum hivatalos tmogatja.

A helikopter az eredeti album bortn lthat gp msa.


40th Anniversary / 40 ve trtnt

  2015.04.01. 11:26

1975-ben 40 vvel ezeltt jelent meg az egyttes 3. albuma. A cme egyszeren csak "ABBA".  11 dalt tartalmaz s mindegyik megjelent kislemezen is. Az els Abba album amely j helyezst rt el a klfldi slgerlistkon.

A Mamma mia c. dal az els az Abba trtnetben amely igazi ttrst hozott, a slgerlistkon az egsz vilgon igen elkel helyen tanyzott.

A lemez msodik kiadst is megrt, ksznheten a sikeres eladsnak.

Klnleges club kiads.

Special club edition of the album.

AABBA's third album called simply "ABBA" was released on April 21, 1975. It contained 11 songs including their latest by that time single hits: "So Long" and "I Do I Do I Do I Do I Do". All songs from this album were released on singles. The album became the first international ABBA album reaching high positions in many countries all over the world.

The album contained the forthcoming hit "SOS" performed by Agnetha and the beautiful ballad "I've Been Waiting For You" with Agnetha on lead. Frida had lead vocals on the reggae ballad "Tropical Loveland". The biggest hit on the album which became ABBA's break through on the charts all over the world was the opening track on the A side "Mamma Mia".

The album "ABBA" sold very well in Sweden where it topped the chart for more than 16 weeks. It was re-released in March 1976 and one more time entered the album chart staying there for 2 more weeks.

Kvetkez 10 cikkElz 10 cikk

Nap kpe/Pic of the day

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