New in my collection / j a gyjtemnyemben |
2015.05.14. 21:52 |

1865 - new single
Frida together with Dan Daniell released a new single entitled "1865" on February 13th, 2015. Frida is singing lead in the title track.

1865 - new single
Frida Dan Daniellel j dalt adott ki idn. 1865 a cme.
A bevteleket gyermekalaptvnyok javra ajnlottk fel.

On the new Dan Daniell album "Lebe deinen Traum" (released in May 2015) there are included two versions of "1865" as bonus tracks. The first well-known from the single is the English language version of the song and the other one is performed by Frida in German language.

A mjusban megjelent Dan Daniell albumon szerepel a jl ismert dal angolul s nmetl is.
Ez a kt szm bnuszknt kerlt fel a korongra.
Ksznm mindkettt Michaelnek!

I say thank you to Michael again!

New in my collection / j a gyjtemnyemben |
2015.05.06. 20:21 |

In Swedish magazines
An article featuring a new interview with Frida appeared in the Swedish female magazine "Damernas vrld" (6/2015). A two-side-feature based on the article in "DV" was published in the gossip magazine "Hnt" (29/4).
Abba's Frida Lyngstad: Nearly 70...but still I look good
THEY were two of the 1970s’ biggest pin-ups and – as one of the Abba ladies approaches her 70th birthday – Frida Lyngstad says she still feels sexy.
“That’s a very funny question to ask someone who is nearly 70 but I think I still look good and I’m content with myself,” said Frida when quizzed by Swedish magazine Damernas Varld, before adding that beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder.
“The sexiest thing is when you feel comfortable with yourself.”
Frida, who reaches her milestone birthday in November, would appear happier with her lot than bandmate Agnetha Faltskog.
Despite the pair adorning many a bedroom wall during their heyday, 65-year-old Agnetha has stated she didn’t think she looked or sounded very good when performing with the group.
Meanwhile Frida, who now lives in Switzerland and is dating WH Smith heir Henry Smith, appears to be getting rather more serious with age and used the interview to call for a more tolerant approach globally to all creeds and cultures.
“My motto is to live in peace and respect all the different religions, people’s sexualities and ethnic origins.
I cannot tolerate people who harm others in the name of religion and I salute all those who stand up for free speech and differences of opinion.”
The sexiest thing is when you feel comfortable with yourself.
Frida Lyngstad
Thanks so much Michael!

Fridrl jelent meg cikk 3 oldalon a Damernas c. svd divatmagazinban.

Ksznm Michaelnek!

Frida Hungarian article / Magyar jsgcikk |
2015.02.24. 18:00 |

Egy nagyon kicsi cikk a Kisalfld jsg utols lapjn Fridrl.
Szomornak tallom, hogy semmi hr nincs a magyar jsgokban az egyttesrl s a tagokrl, pedig a vilgsajt tele van az jabbnl jabb hrekkel.
Azt kell mondjam a semminl ez is tbb.
Ksznet Anettnek, hogy elkldte.

Hungarian article about Frida.
It is a shame that here in Hungary there is nothing about Abba and the members. All over the world the newspapers are full of articles about everything around them. Here it is nothing only a very small article. Translation is easy it says the same things like the German newspapers.
I have to say it is more than nothing but.......
Thanks Anett for sending it.

I won! / Nyertem! |
2014.04.05. 10:14 |

I was very lucky again on Fb.
Thanks for the chance to Michael and Bernd.
Frida - The book
The book "A tribute to Frida" was released in Germany in April 2006. On 156 pages you can find pictures of Anni-Frid Lyngstad (today: Reuss) from various periods of time. Many of them extremely rare and previously unseen. The book was compiled and created by by Jean-Marie Potiez & Philippe Elan.

Facebookon nyertem meg Frida knyvt.
Szerencss vagyok. Ismt egy klnleges knyv kerlt a gyjtemnyembe.
Ksznet Michaelnek s Berndnek.

New in my collection / j a gyjtemnyemben |
2014.04.05. 10:09 |

New in my collection Frida's very first released cd from 1982.

Gyjtemnyem legjabb darabja Frida els kiads cd-je 1982-bl.

New in my collection / j a gyjtemnyemben |
2013.12.30. 13:15 |

The best place for this cd is here in the Frida section. I am sure.
Today I got the signed copy by Colin.
Waiting for the moment when I can listen to it,soon.
I like the inner sleeve and read the stories behind ever song.
I will write more about this cd after listening it and scan my signed cover.
Thanks soo much Michael for your help to have this very nice cover cd!

Gondolkoztam hov is tegyem ezt a cd-t, vgl itt talltam neki a legjobb helyet. Ideval Frida dolgaihoz.
Ma hozta a posts a dediklt cd-t. Egyenlre csak a bels fzetet olvastam, nagyon tetszik, hogy lerja a dalok trtnett s az rzseit.
Amint lesz idm nyugodtan meghallgatni, utna majd rok rla bvebben s a dediklt bortt is beszkennelem majd.
Ismt ksznm Michaelnek ezt a szp ajndkot!

Frida poster |
2013.12.22. 10:24 |

I won this beautiful big Frida poster by FB.
Thanks so much Michael and Bernd to give me a chance on your fb page.

Ezt a szp nagy posztert a facebookon nyertem Michael s Bernd oldaln.
Ksznet a lehetsgrt!

Article / jsgcikk |
2013.07.29. 14:07 |

Klnleges jsgcikk Frida letrl. Nincs mit hozztenni, olvasd el.
Very special Hungarian article about Frida and her true lifestory.
"Brightlight story about a dark world"
Frida in the choir/Frida a krusban |
2012.05.02. 16:31 |

In 1986 Frida was in the choir for the recording of her former husband Benny Andersson's song "Klinga Mina Klockor".
1986-ban Frida httrnekesknt a krusban nekelt Benny dalnak felvteln.
Harpo Movie star /Frida/ |
2012.04.29. 20:34 |

Harpo svd pop sztr. Hres dala a Movie star a slgerlistkon is elkel helyen szerepelt. Nem rgen fedeztem fel a kvetkez informcit, Frida mint httrnekes kzremkdtt a dal felvtelnl 1975-ben. A videkon megnzheted hogyan kszlt a felvtel s meghallgathatod a ksz dalt is.
Frida kzremkdtt Harpo msodik lemezn is a Pin up girl c. szm felvtelben.
On 27 February 1975, Harpo recorded the song for which he would become most famous - "Moviestar". One of the backing vocalists on that day was Anni-Frid Lyngstad (Frida) from ABBA. It has sometimes been reported that Agnetha Fltskog also sang on the song but this is incorrect. The second female singer is Lena Ericsson. Frida also provided backing vocals on the song "Pin Up Girl" on Harpo's second album, Harpo & Bananaband.

Harpo Lyrics
" Moviestar "
You feel like Steve McQueen
When you’re driving in your car
And you think you look like James Bond
When you’re smoking your cigar
It’s so bizarre
You think you are a new kind of James Dean
But the only thing I’ve ever seen of you
Was a commercial spot on the screen
Moviestar, oh Moviestar, ah ah ah,you think you are a Movie
Moviestar, oh Moviestar, ah ah ah,you think you are a Movie-
Star ah ah ah
You should belong to the jet set
Fly your own private learjet
But you worked in a grocery store
Every day you could afford to get away
So you went to sweden to meet ingrid bergman
But he wasn’t there or he yust didn’t care
I think it’s time for you my friend
To stop pretending that you are a moviestar
Moviestar, oh Moviestar, ah ah ah, you think you are a Movie
Moviestar, oh Moviestar, ah ah ah, you think you are a Movie-
Star ah ah ah
Frozen hero
Your words are zero
Your dreams have vanished into dark long ago
But you’re the one to know
Moviestar, oh Moviestar, ah ah ah, you think you are a Movie
Moviestar, oh Moviestar, ah ah ah,you think you are a Movie
Moviestar, oh Moviestar, ah ah ah,you think you are a Movie-
Star ah ah ah