Agnetha Björn |
2016.01.08. 19:01 |
First owners Björn Ulvaeus and Agneta Fältskog (shooting in 1978)
Az autó első tulajdonosai Björn Ulvaeus és Agnetha Faltskog.
ABBA car in my workshop with owners.
A szerelő műhelyében az Abba autó a tulajdonosokkal.
We will make a jig for her, just finished painting booth.
Újra formába hozzuk.
Björn in Skavlan |
2016.01.08. 18:57 |
26/9/14 - Bjorn records his interview on Skavlan. He enters the stage to Waterloo and talks about that he looked in the mirror after Eurovision and thought 'You can't be a pop idol and look like that!' and jokes about that 'safe swedes' didn't have drugs to help them lose weight.
He also says that he does have problems with episodic memory loss, but it has been greatly exaggerated by the press
Bjorn does not really feel nostalgic but has a great sense of joy about the #ABBA days and has no desire to 'be on stage like Mick Jagger' and if Benny was asked if he could actually perfrom live again, he would say 'NO!' he thinks the best pop music is written by young people 'when they are at the summit of their creativity'. He beliees that only lasts for ten years and then the creatiity becomes something else.
Bjorn feels he can persue things that interest him, because he has the time now - 'stressing and chasing things is pointless to me now' and now can sleep in until 11:00 am
He talks about his atheism and that after 9/11 that religion again found it's way in to 'a forum where it does not belong' and that is when his commitment to being a non believer began. He does not deny there might be a God, and if someone could convince him, he would pray. But at present his solace is found with Lena and not with a desire for 'life not to end after death' 'I think we should take responsibility for I our own lives - we only live once'
News / Hírek |
2015.12.08. 18:58 |
Benny Andersson and his bunch of merry men (and woman!) will be hitting the road throughout Sweden in 2016.
In our May update post, Benny told icethesite that a new album would be released in Spring 2016 with a tour to follow. The dates are now available.
BAO 2016 Tour dates:
Újra turnén Benny együttese a BAO 2016.ban.
A fellépések helyszine és dátuma feljebb található.
Benny felvetette egy új album megjelenésének lehetőségét is a turnéval kapcsolatban.
35th Anniversary / 35 éve történt |
2015.11.04. 19:07 |
The album entitled "Super Trouper" was released in Europe on November 3rd, 1980. It contained 10 tracks featuring 9 new songs and one live track - "The Way Old Friends Do", recorded live during the 1979 World Tour on Wembley in London. It is still a mystery why ABBA decided to release a live track on a studio album as Björn and Benny always declared that they did not like live recordings.
Agnetha had three lead vocals on the album and Frida four. The only songs sung by both girls was "The Piper" and "On and On and On" and it would be the very last studio recordings performed by Agnetha and Frida together.
The album "Super Trouper" brought of course several chart hits as already well-known "The Winner Takes It All", the second single "Super Trouper" and the third single "Lay All Your Love On Me".
1980. november 3-án jelent meg az együttes fantasztikus albuma a Super trouper.
35 év elszállt.
Sosem felejtem el az érzést mikor először foghattam a kezemben és hallgathattam meg a dalokat.
Leírhatatlan érzés volt.
PLATINUM for Frida |
2015.10.07. 17:30 |
+++ PLATINUM for Frida +++
Platinum Record Award presented to ANNI-FRID LYNGSTAD
The exceptional success of ABBA’s album ‘ABBA Live at Wembley Arena’ reaches a new landmark this week, with its certification as Platinum.
Congratulations !!!
Frida kapott díjat a nem régen megjelent live album platinummá vált.
Csodás dolog ez, még ma is díjakat nyernek. Ez sem véletlen.
40th Anniversary / 40 éve történt |
2015.08.11. 13:46 |
Can you believe ....
... it´s been 40 years ago since ABBA began recording Dancing Queen?
At the beginning of August 1975 ABBA started work on their most famous song which became a number one single in more than 16 countries including the United States.
It was released on the group's album "Arrival" the following year.
During the sessions, Benny brought a tape home with the backing track on it and played it to Frida, who apparently started crying when she heard it.
She recalled: "I found the song so beautiful. It's one of those songs that goes straight to your heart."
"Dancing Queen" was premiered on Swedish TV on 18 June 1976. ABBA performed the new song in honour of King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden and his bride to be, Silvia Sommerlath, who were to be married the next day.
"Mindig is a Dancing Queen lesz a kedvenc dalom. Ez egy remekmű."
Repül az idő.
Épp 40 évvel ezelőtt 2015 augusztusában kezdődtek az Abba együttes nagy slágerének felvételei.
Ez a dal 16 országban, köztük Amerikában is listavezető volt.
A következő évben megjelent Arrival albumon hallható.
Benny és Björn haza vitte a demo felvételt.
Mikor lejátszották Fridának elsírta magát, mikor meghallotta.
"Gyönyörűnek találtam a dalt, ez egyik a sok közül ami megérinti a szívedet."
A bemutatója 1976-ban volt a svéd TV-ben.
A király és menyasszonya tiszteletére akiknek másnap volt az esküvőjük.
News / Hírek |
2015.07.14. 14:39 |
Pop House Hotel
Have you seen the ABBA Gold Room at Pop House Hotel? One of the junior suites has been redesigned into a glittering ABBA Gold room, where guests can feel like pop star royalty! The band’s private gold and platinum records – symbols of the band’s success – line the walls, on loan and displayed in secure glass casing. We are so happy about this!
A Pop House Hotel új látványossága az ABBA Gold szoba.
Itt mindenki úgy érezheti magát, mint egy popsztár. A falakon az együttes saját gyűjteményének darabjai láthatók. Az együttes sikerének szimbólumai.
Björn in the new ABBA Gold room at our hotel.
"What made ABBA so successful? Björn: Well difficult to say but probably hard work and two beautiful voices!"
Björn a Gold szobában.
Mi vezette sikerre az együttest?
Nagyon nehéz megmondani de talán a kemény munka és két csodálatos hang!
Have you seen our fantastic new Kristina From Duvemåla room?
smile hangulatjel
Our new theme rooms were decorated by Ingmarie Halling, Museum Director/Curator of ABBA The Museum and Set Designer Anna Söderberg.
”I really wanted to create an authentic setting with as much history and detail as possible. The rooms in themselves are designed as travel memories, places you want to linger, with something exciting to tell the folks back home,” said Ingmarie Halling.
A másik újdonság a Kristina From Duvemala szoba.
Ezt a szobát Ingmarie Halling rendezte be, aki az együttes hátterében öltöztető volt a koncertek idején.
Egy barátságos hazaváró szobát szeretett volna kialakítani.
35th Anniversary / 35 éve történt |
2015.06.30. 19:41 |
On 12th July the video "The Winner Takes It All" directed by Lasse Hallström was filmed in Marstrand in south-west Sweden. The song would be released as the first single from the forthcoming album. Agnetha came to Marstrand with her new partner Dick Håkansson and daughter Linda. Björn had his girlfriend Lena Källersjö as a company. The filming of the video took 5 hours.
1980. július 12-én készült el a dalhoz a video melyet Lasse Hallström rendezett.
Agnetha és Björn új barátjával/barátnőjével jelent meg a forgatáson.
Agnetha hozta Lindát is.
Ez volt az első kislemez, amit a hamarosan megjelenő következő nagylemezről kiadtak.
A videó 5 óra alatt elkészült.
35th Anniversary / 35 éve történt |
2015.06.30. 19:38 |
35 years ago
The single "The Winner Takes It All" was released by Polar on July 21st, 1980.
35 éve jelent meg Svédországban a The winner takes it all c. kislemez.
1980. július 21-én.
Calendar 2016. |
2015.06.26. 19:40 |
New calendar for 2016.
I like so much the new pictures not the same like other ones.
Itt az új ABBA naptár 2016.-ra.
Tetszik, hogy végre újabb képeket találhatunk az egyes hónapoknál.