New in my collection / j a gyjtemnyemben |
2015.08.08. 12:57 |

I am very happy to have this nice poster promoting Frida's book.
Thanks so much Monique and I am happy I can give money for children by Frida and Dan.

Nagyon rlk, hogy a poszter megvsrlsval hozz jrulhatok n is Frida jtkonysgi gyhez a gyerekek szmra.
Article /jsgcikk |
2015.07.27. 13:40 |

A svd jsgban jelent meg ez a cikk Fridrl. Semmi jat nem mond amit ne tudnnk eddig rla.
Nothing new about Frida in the Swedish newspaper for Abba fans.
Thanks Vidar!

News / Hrek |
2015.07.26. 12:52 |
Mr 70 ves az ABBA barna nekesnje! Hihetetlenl jl nz ki a tragdik ellenre
Az ABBA gynyr, vrs haj nekesnje, Anni-Frid Lyngstad, becenevn Frida novemberben lesz 70 ves. A hetvenes vek egyik legnpszerbb sztrjnak lete egyetlen pillanatig sem volt egyszer, mr rviddel szletse utn szrny dolgok trtntek vele.
Frida nem svd, hanem norvg szrmazs, desanyja, Synni Lyngstad Norvgiban, Narvikban lt az nekesn nagymamjval, amikor nmet katonk szlltk meg a vrost. Br a falubeliek gylltk ket, a 19 ves Synni szerelembe esett egyikkkel, Alfred Haasval. 1945-ben a katonkat kiveznyeltk, a lny pedig egyedl maradt a pocakjban nvekv Fridval.
A kislny szletse utn az ott lk azonnal csfolni kezdtk, nmet fattynak neveztk. A nagymama megelgelte ezt, s Svdorszgba menektette Fridt, ahov rviddel ezutn Synni is kvette ket. Az nekesn anyja azonban alig 22 vesen vratlanul elhunyt. Ezutn Fridt a nagymamja nevelte.
Frida annak ellenre is vidm s energikus tudott maradni, hogy szmos tragdia rte az letben. Az nekesn jelenleg Svjcban l, szabadidejben pedig jtkonysgi esemnyekre jr.
Frida 17 vesen ment elszr frjhez, Ragnar Fredrikssontl gyermekei is szlettek, 1963-ban fiuk, Hans, 1967-ben lnyuk, Lise Lotte jtt a vilgra. 1970-ben elvltak, ezutn jegyezte el a kpen is lthat ABBA-tag, Benny, akivel 1978-ban hzasodtak ssze. Gyerekk nem szletett. A sors kegyetlensge, hogy Frida nagymamja ppen aznap halt meg, amikor kimondtk a vlst els frjtl.
Frida s lnya, Lise Lotte nagyon kzel lltak egymshoz. A 30 ves lny, aki idkzben frjhez ment, s egy unokval is megajndkozta anyjt, 1998. janur 13-n lett vesztette egy autbalesetben.
Az ABBA nekesnje 1992-ben harmadszor is frjhez ment, mghozz Ruzzo Reusshoz. Ebben az idben bartkozott ssze Kroly Gusztv svd koronaherceggel s felesgvel, Szilvival. Jelenleg k Svdorszg kirlya s kirlynja. 1999-ben Fridt jabb csaps rte, harmadik frje belehalt a nyirokrkba.
This Hungarian article was available on the internet only.
You can find the link above to see the pictures.
It talks about Frida's hard life the things what happened with her.
Sad things about her daughter Liselotte and husband Reuss and her childhood in Norway around the II. world war.
She has hard life but she can be happy and relaxed.
Nothing new for Abba fans about Frida.
FRIDA | Q&A 10 |
2015.07.12. 20:03 |
Mennyire fontosak szmodra a rajongk? Mi az amit a legjobban becslsz bennk?
Segtett-e neked a mindennapokban a tudat, hogy dalaiddal sok ember szvhez szltl?
Fantasztikus rzs muszikval megrinteni az emberek lelkt!
Engem is sok fantasztikus zensz muszikja segtett t a j s rossz napokon.
Zene nlkl az let szrny s unalmas lenne.
J rzs tudni, hogy gy vagy gy, de mg fontos vagyok, krdeztek tlem.
Igyekeztem az igazat vlaszolni, remlem sikerlt, kicsit izgulok is emiatt, vajon megfelelnek-e a krdsekre adott vlaszok.
Sok szertettel

FRIDA | Q&A 6-9 |
2015.07.10. 14:36 |
Azt nekled "van egy lmom"..."hiszek az angyalokban".Tnyleg hiszel abban, hogy mieltt meghalsz tallkozol azokkal, akik nagyon fontosak voltak az letedben?
Nagyon jl emlkszem az els meghatroz lmnyre, 11-12 ves lehettem akkor. Egy szp tli vasrnapon trtnt elhatroztam, selni megyek bepakoltam a htizskba enni innivalt s elindultam.
Ksbb leltem egy sziklra a fnyek jtka a tj s az rzs felejthetetlen, elsrtam magam.
Azta is brmikor szomorsg, fjdalom rt az letben kimentem a termszetbe s addig mentem mg ezt a fnyt s rzst jra megtalltam.
Taln ez vlasz a krdsre, a mindensget isten alkotta s a vg is.
Egszen klnleges leted volt amit egy mozifilm is megrkthetne. Egyetrtesz ezzel?
Szvesen vllalnl benne szerepet?
Inkbb csak mesl lennk a filmben. ppen az emlkeimet vetem paprra s nem gondoltam volna, hogy ennyire nehz lesz sajt magamrl rni.
s ahogy mondtad, ha egyszer elkszl, mindenki elolvashatja.
Shine egy fantasztikus album nagyon szeretem. A "Heart Of The Country" c. szmban hallani ahogy nevetsz. Emlkszel mi volt ennyire vidm, min nevettl?
Ekkor rtad a "I Don’t Wanna be Alone" c. szmot ami kiadtlan maradt.
Van mg valami amit nem hallotunk tled?
Ksznm. Most, hogy ezt krdezted, jra meghallgattam ezt az albumot, mr rg nem hallottam.
Sok mindenre emlkszem, a felvtelekre Prizsban, ami tbb hnapig tartott.
Sajnos arra nem emlkszem mi nevettetett meg.
De az emberekre krlttem, igen.
Rszemrl nincs semmi ms kiadatlan dal.
Ha visszatekintesz az letedre, gondoltad volna, hogy egyszer a kis tini Annifrid hres lesz?
Vagy voltak olyan idszakok amikor inkbb tartottl a hrnvtl, hogy veszlyt jelent a magnletedre?
Hogy is flhettem volna olyasmitl, ami akkora nagy rmt okozott?
Az nekls az letem volt, sosem gondolkodtam azon hov is vezet ez majd.
Tettem amit kellett s remltem, hogy egyre jobban csinlom.
Ilyen vagyok, hittem a szerencsben is ami a sikerhez vezet.
Az, hogy prbltak betolakodni az letembe megtantott arra, hogy bezrjam az ajtt magam mgtt, vdjem magam s a csaldomat s a privt szfrmat.
Mindent egybevetve, egy ers n vagyok aki vja a csaldjt a rossz energiktl, tvol tartom ezeket a dolgokat.
FRIDA | Q&A 6-10 in English |
2015.07.10. 14:33 |
► Question 6 ◄
In "I have a dream" you sing.. "I believe in angels ...". Do you believe in life after death? Do you believe that when you die, you will once again see all the people who have been close to you during your life?
Frida Lyngstad:
I can very well remember my first encounter with a higher power.
It was so intense and such a beautiful feeling. I could have been 11, 12 years old. It was a beautiful winter day, a Sunday, and I decided to go cross country skiing, put a sandwich, an orange and a thermos of hot chocolate in my backpack and went off.
When later on I sat on a rock in the snow covered landscape and had my lunch in the sun, my whole being was penetrated by such a strong light and such an immense feeling of happiness, I started to cry.
Ever since, whenever I've been through sorrow and pain in my life, I have put my skis on and my backpack, found my way up to the mountains and skied with that light in my heart.
Maybe that answers the question. The creation of nature is my God and healer, and I think that is where it ends.
► Question 7 ◄
You have had such an extraordinary life that your story could be turned into a movie. Would you agree? And if it ever happened, who would you like to play a young Frida? And would you like a cameo role in it?
Frida Lyngstad:
I would rather just be the storyteller of an extraordinary life, which in fact I am working hard with right now, trying to get it down on paper.
It's much harder than I ever thought it would be to write about yourself and your life.
But as you say, whenever it's done it could be suitable for any media.
► Question 8 ◄
"Shine" is a fantastic album. I love it! At the end of "Heart Of The Country" we hear you laughing. Can you remember what made you laugh? We also know during this time you wrote "I Don’t Wanna be Alone" but it remains unreleased. Will you release it one day? Are there other songs we haven’t heard from you?
Frida Lyngstad:
Thank you very much!
With your question you made me listen to the Shine album again, which I have not done for many years, and with fondness I remember that year in Paris and the months we used for the recording.
Steve and Kirsty (bless her soul) and the boys. So much fun and excitement! Unfortunately, I cannot specifically remember why the laugh is there. Maybe it was done there and then or at an earlier point during the session. Sorry ;-))
Apart from IDWBA, there are no unreleased songs on my part.
► Question 9 ◄
Looking back at your life, was "fame" everything you thought it would be when you were a teenage Anni-Frid hoping to hit the big time? Or have there been times when you have had regrets about being so famous and where fame has meant intrusions into your private life?
Frida Lyngstad:
How could I ever regret something that has given me such immense pleasure!
Singing has been my life, and I never speculated in what it could lead to. I did what I had to do, mainly based on believing I could do better. That's my character, blended in with a bit of luck which we all need to succeed!
The intrusion in my private life has taught me to close the door behind me, to protect myself, my family and the need of privacy.
All in all, I am a woman with a strong need to protect my loved ones and myself from bad energies and keep a certain dignity through it all.
► Question 10 ◄
How important are the fans for you and what do you appreciate most about them? Does it bring you comfort during difficult times in your life to know that you've touched so many lives with your music?
Frida Lyngstad:
To be able to touch people with music is divine!
I have been touched by so many brilliant musicians, and music has guided me through sad and happy times in my life. Without it, life would have been awfully dull and boring.
I am very humbled over the fact that answering your questions shows that, in one way or another, I am interesting enough to be asked those questions, and that means a lot to me and simultaneously makes me nervous not to be able to give you satisfying answers. I can only be true to you and hope that this will give you comfort.
Much love
Frida x
FRIDA | Q&A 5 in English |
2015.07.03. 21:53 |
► Question 5 ◄
As one of your many gay admirers, I have always thought that you were the star and the sex symbol of ABBA who made the group "interesting and unusual" because of your different looks and fashions over the years.
I wonder what hairstyle you think looked best on you? And I would love to know whether changing your hair was a spontaneous and personal decision or was it something you felt you had to keep doing as you were in the spotlight and had to find a new look for each new record release?
Frida Lyngstad:
It is interesting to hear your opinion! Interesting because I have never looked upon myself neither as a star, nor a sex symbol.
All through my young days, there was always something I did not like with my looks, hence the changes. I must admit though that I was quite pleased with my read hair, and that happy period of my life!
(Frida attached a photo that she likes very much - it shows her during the video recording for "Does your mother know")
You can find the special artworks of Frida in the pictures menu Frida 2015.

FRIDA | Q&A 1-4 in English |
2015.07.03. 21:33 |
► Question 1 ◄
If you had to put together a CD called "The Soundtrack of My Life" featuring songs that you connect with, have influenced you or hold special memories for you, what tracks would be on the album?
Frida Lyngstad:
One CD would not be enough to hold "The Soundtrack of my Life". It would have to be a box, or two, or three maybe, thinking of that I've been around for 70 years now, and that music has been the air that I have breathed during all that time.A short list of a few of my favourites:Elvis Presley: Jailhouse Rock (fell hopelessly in love when I sneaked in to my first grown up film, only 12 years old) Dionne Warwick: Walk on By ( the original singer of Burt Bacharach songs) Eydie Gorme: Too Close for Comfort (one of the best singers ever) Chicago: if You Leave Me Now (heartache for it's beauty) Crosby, Stills, Nash (and Young): Southern Cross (my favourite group of all time) Stevie Wonder: Lately (from one of my favourite albums, Hotter Than July) Led Zeppelin: Stairway to Heaven (magical) Phil Collins: In The Air Tonight (helped me through a life changing time in my life) (love Naturally 7s rendition of the song) Wynton Marsalis: Stardust (seductive tone)James Arthur: Impossible (love his voice) Ray Charles: Oh What a Beautiful Morning (from a perfect album; Ray Sings, Basie Swings) Simply Red: The Air that I Breathe (cause I love Mick's singing) Michael Jackson: Billy Jean (my full admiration for a most talented songwriter and singer) Mozart Piano Concerto No. 23 in A, Rondo (one classical favourite) ... and finally (because that is what it makes me, and I have to put my dancing shoes on ;-))
► Question 2 ◄
If you could hold a dinner party with any four people (past or present) who would you choose?
Frida Lyngstad:
Apart from the obvious choice of family or friends, I would invite four ladies to my table.
Frida Kahlo, a Mexican painter who mainly painted self portraits, and had a lonely and difficult life, married to the Mexican artist Diego Riviera.
Katharine Hepburn, the late actress, a remarkable woman and a brilliant and unsurpassed actress. An independent soul, who never conformed to society's expectations of women.
Donna Tartt, writer, because of her stunningly beautifully written story, "The Goldfinch".
My late grandmother Arntine, just for the wish to meet her now, being almost as old as she was when she died and to see if the resemblance is as strong as I think it is!
► Question 3◄
How important is social media to you? We know you like to keep your life private but do you have a Twitter or Facebook account to keep in touch with those close to you? Do you Skype? Do you text? In the 1970s and 1980s, Twitter and YouTube didn't exist for ABBA to chat to fans or post videos. From a professional point of view, do you think these things are important for musicians to keep in touch with fans these days?
Frida Lyngstad:
I am not a great fan of social media as I think of life as being so much more than to tell everybody what your private everyday life looks like.
I rather enjoy being in it, contemplating it, enjoying it, and when the opportunity is there sharing it with family and friends.
And like now, taking my time to answer your questions on Bernds and Michaels page. I am humbled and happy to do so.
From a professional point of view, time has changed a lot from the 70s and 80s, and subsequently you have to go with the flow, or you'll be left behind!
► Question 4
When you sang a few bars of Fernando and walked on stage at the QX Gala and received that incredible and emotional reaction from the audience, did it make you want to return to performing on stage again? You still have it all - the looks, the energy, the voice.
Would you ever consider doing a one off |
FRIDA | Q&A 1-5 |
2015.07.03. 19:58 |
Ha ssze kellene lltanod egy cd-t
"letem dalai" cmmel melyeket vlasztand amelyek emlkeket idznek vagy brmilyen
kapcsolatban vannak az leteddel?
Vlasz :
Egy cd biztos nem lenne elg egy vagy kt vagy netn hrom box lenne, ha arra
gondolok, hogy mr lassan 70 ves leszek s ez id alatt mindig is a zene ltetett.
Egy rvid lista kedvenceimrl:
-Elvis Presley: Jailhouse Rock/ 12 ves voltam mikor az els felntteknek
szl filmet lttam remnykedtem a szerelemben/
-Dionne Warwick: Walk on By
-Eydie Gorme: Too Close for Comfort/az egyik legjobb nekes/
-Chicago: if You Leave Me Now /Szvszort mennyire szp /
-Crosby, Stills, Nash (and Young) / Kedvenc egyttesem/
-Stevie Wonder: Lately / Egyik legkedvesebb albumomrl /
-Led Zeppelin: Stairway to Heave / Varzslatos/
-Phil Collins: In The Air Tonight
/ Sokszor tsegtett mindenen, ha vltozsvolt az letemben/
-Wynton Marsalis: Stardust /Elragad hangzs /
-James Arthur: Impossible / szeretem a hangjt /
-Ray Charles: Oh What a Beautiful Morning / Egy tkletes albumrl /
-Simply Red: The Air that I Breathe / szeretem ahogy Mick nekel /
-Michael Jackson: Billy Jean / Csodlom a tehetsges dalrt s nekest /
-Mozart Piano Concerto No. 23 in A, Rondo / Egy klasszikus kedvenc /
-s vgl : Pharrell Williams: Happy / Mert mindig tncra csbt /
Ha vacsorameghvst kldhetnl 4 embernek akr a mltbl vagy a jelenbl kiket hvnl meg?
Vlasz :
A megszokott csaldi vlasztson kvl
-Frida Kahlo-t aki sok sok narckpet festett, magnyos klnleges lete volt s
hozz ment egy mexiki mvszhez Diego Rivirhoz.
-Katherine Hepburnt a figyelemre mlt fellmlhatatlan sznsznt.
-Donna Tartt rnt csodlatosan megrt regnyrt a Kis aranypintyrt.
-Amtine nagymammat, hogy tallkozhassam vele most, amikor annyi ids vagyok mint
mikor meghalt s lthassam olyan ers vagyok-e mint akkoriban.
Mennyire tartod fontosnak a mdit? Tudjuk, hogy magnletedet titokban tartod,
de van esetleg Twitter vagy Facebook oldalad, hogy tartsd a kapcsolatot a hozzd kzel
llkkal? A 70-es 80-as vekben ezek mg nem lteztek. Szakrt szemmel mit mondanl
fontosak ezek most a hressgek szmra a rajongkkal val kapcsolattartsban?
Sosem rajongtam a mdirt. Az let sokkal tbbet jelent, minthogy minden perct megosszuk msokkal. Jobb szeretem csak megfigyelni ezeket a dolgokat s csak a
csaldommal s bartaimmal kommuniklni.
Most ppen Bernd s Michael oldaln azzal tltm az idmet, hogy vlaszolok ezekre a
krdsekre s ez rmmel tlt el.
Szakrt szemmel nzve az idk vltoznak, haladni kell a korral, mert klnben
Mikor ddoltl egy kis dallamot a Fernando c. dalbl a QX gln a kznsg pedig
szeretettel reaglt erre nem rezted, hogy jra a sznpadon lenne a helyed? Minden adott,
a kinzeted az energid a hangod. Nem gondolkoztl azon, hogy fellpj jra "Egy
este Fridval" a sznpadon egy showban s meghvj pr arra rdemes zenszt, hogy veled
nekeljen duettet?
Ksznm a lehetsget, de a vlaszom egyrtelmen NEM.
J rzs volt a gln djat tadni, de egy sajt show rengeteg stresszel jr.
Mint egy meleg rajongd, sokszor elgondolkoztam azon, hogy te voltl az Abba
szex szimbluma, aki az egyttest igazn egyediv tetted a kinzeteddel,
megjelenseddel az vek sorn. rdekelne, melyik volt a kedvenc hajviseleted? rdekelne, mi volt az oka, hogy vltoztattad, mindez spontn jtt, vagy szemlyes elhatrozs volt, hogy jl nzz ki a felvteleken s a koncerteken?
rdekes olvasni a vlemnyedet.
rdekes, mert nem kedveltem ahogy kinzek, nem tekintettem magamra gy mint szex szimblum, se nem mint egy sztr, kivve a vrs hajat, ami egy nagyon boldog
idszak volt az letemben.
/Kzben Frida mutat egy kpet, amit nagyon szeret a Does your mother know video
felvtelnek idejbl./
Frida |
2015.07.02. 19:02 |

Exkluzv interj Fridval.
Ksznet Michael facebook oldalnak s engedlynek, hogy feltehetem ide a fordtst.
"Lassan 70 ves leszek s ez id alatt mindig is a zene ltetett."
Thank you Michael for sharing this very special nice interview with Frida.