New in my collection / Új a gyűjteményemben |
2015.10.24. 22:26 |
„SAKK (CHESS) Budapest Live 2015” CD
Skansen 2016. |
2015.08.11. 23:06 |
From this
evening "Allsang på Skansen"
at the Norwegian national broadcasting (NRK2)
Where we were presented
two songs from "KRISTINA".
Benny Andersson behind the piano
Anders Eljas as bandleader and
the new Kristina Maria Ylipää
Waterloo was also performed with
Benny behind the piano.
Great evening!
Ahogy eddig minden nyáron Bennyt ismét láthatták a szerencsések a Skanzenban megrendezett szokásos hangversenyen.
A Kristina musicalből hangzott fel pár dal és az Abba Waterloo c. dala is felcsendült.
Film |
2015.08.09. 18:26 |
Dalok a masodik emeletről
(színes, magyarul is beszélő, svéd-norvég-dán filmdráma, 95 perc, 2000)
rendező: Roy Andersson
forgatókönyvíró: Roy Andersson
zeneszerző: Benny Andersson
operatőr: Robert Komarek, Jesper Klevenas, Borbás István
jelmeztervező: Leontine Arvidsson
producer: Lisa Alwert, Roy Andersson
társproducer: Johan Mardell, Sanne Glasel, Philippe Bober
vágó: Roy Andersson
Lars Nordh (Kalle)
Stefan Larsson (Stefan)
Bengt C.W. Carlsson (Lennart)
Torbjörn Fahlström (Pelle)
Sten Andersson (Lasse)
Peter Roth (Tomas)
Hanna Eriksson (Mia)
Jöran Mueller
Fredrik Sjögren
Lugio Uucinia
Per Jörnelius
A film története látszólag minden logikus kapcsolatot nélkülöző eseményekből áll össze. Egy hivatalnokot kirúgnak az állásából, egy emigráns férfit csúnyán megvernek, egy bűvész elrontja a produkcióját, Karl pedig felgyújtja bútorboltját, hogy a biztosításból készpénzhez jusson. A következő nap a káosz, ha lehet, csak fokozódik, és csak Karl érti meg a helyzet abszurditását, azt, hogy milyen nehéz is az emberek sorsa. És ha mindehhez hozzáveszünk egy totális nagyvárosi forgalmi dugót, egy szenilis tábornokot, egy fasiszták által felakasztott orosz fiú szellemét, továbbá egy kereszteket áruló férfit, biztosak lehetünk benne, hogy a szürreális, abszurd humorú rövidfilmekkel nevet szerzett Roy Andersson semmit sem változott.
Ehhez a filmhez Benny írta a zenét.
Songs from a second floor
Lars Nordh (Kalle)
Stefan Larsson (Stefan)
Bengt C.W. Carlsson (Lennart)
Torbjörn Fahlström (Pelle)
Sten Andersson (Lasse)
Peter Roth (Tomas)
Hanna Eriksson (Mia)
Jöran Mueller
Fredrik Sjögren
Lugio Uucinia
Per Jörnelius
A film poem inspired by the Peruvian poet César Vallejo. A story about our need for love, our confusion, greatness and smallness and, most of all, our vulnerability. It is a story with many characters, among them a father and his mistress, his youngest son and his girlfriend. It is a film about big lies, abandonment and the eternal longing for companionship and confirmation.
Benny Andersson composer.
From my collection / Gyűjteményemből |
2015.07.14. 23:15 |
Before Abba. Benny was near the keyboards in the pop group Hep Stars.
Az Abba korszak előtt Benny a Hep Stars együttes billentyűse volt.
Björn has solo singles released by Polar.
He was the member of Hootenanny Singers.
Björn szóló lemezei már a Polarnál jelentek meg.
Ő a Hootenanny Singers együttes tagja volt az Abba előtt.
News / Hírek |
2015.07.14. 13:38 |
Benny has confirmed the 18 September release and the tracklist as below.
There will also be a release concert in Stockholm around the same time as the CD becomes available but it is not known if this will be a private or public function as yet. More details to follow.
In the meantime, this is looking like a wonderful selection of Benny’s music that will make it on to the forthcoming CD.
1. Kärlekens tid
2. En skrift i snön
3. Down To The Sacred Wave
4. Lilla skara
5. Var hör vi hemma
6. Historien om schack
7. Anthem
8. Innan gryningen
9. Vilar glad. I din famn
10. Klinga mina klockor
11. O klang och jubletid
Gustaf Sjökvist’s Chamber Choir
Szeptember 18-án új album jelenik meg.
Benny szerzeményeit énekli Gustaf Sjökvist’s Chamber Choir.
Az új albumot koncerteken is bemutatják majd.
Aki előrendeli kapni for egy autogramm kártyát is Bennytől.
New in my collection / Új a gyűjteményemben |
2014.04.21. 17:27 |
I Know Him So Well - the single
The second single from the musical "Chess" featured "I Know Him So Well" with the title composition on the B-side. This single would become the biggest chart success of all single releases from the musical. The maxi single which was released both in the UK and West Germany featured bonus track on B-side: "Quartet (A Model of Docorum and Tranquillity)"
The single entered the British chart on January 5, 1985 and stayed there for 16 weeks topping the chart on February 9 (for 4 weeks). The single was available as 7" and 12".
I Know Him So Well - the single
Ez a maxi lemez ma került a gyűjteményembe. Már régen szerettem volna megszerezni.
Különlegessége, hogy a maxi változat B oldala bonus dal volt a címe Quartet.
A Sakk c. musicalből az A oldalon található dal volt a legsikeresebb, amit a slágerlistákon elért helyezése is bizonyít.
News / Hírek |
2014.02.04. 17:48 |
The Swedish Government "Lifetime Achievement" (Regeringens Hederspris) was awarded to ABBA last night. Benny was there to collect the prize.
He joked that he and Bjorn had received the award for Swedish music exports twice in the past (which Avicci won and the awards)
'I tried to think of what it was in 2013 that was so special, but I could not think of anything. But I think that maybe it's because it's 40 years since we won in Brighton.'
When asked about whether he had told the other members of the group about the award, Benny said -
'No, but they know about it anyway. We see eachother every now and then and talk about what we should or should not do. Given that we have not been around since 1982, it is not so surprising. We will not reunite, at least not in the near future - and the future is about to end.' — em ABBA - THE ALBUMS: THE VISITORS REMIXED
A svéd kormány "Lifetime Achievement" (Regeringens Hederspris)életmű díját kapta az ABBA tegnap este. Benny vette át.
Azon viccelődött, hogy ő és Bjorn megkapta a díjat már kétszer (amikor Avicci elnyerte a díjat).
"Próbáltam rájönni arra, hogy mi volt 2013-ban olyan különleges, de nem jut eszembe semmi. De azt hiszem, hogy talán azért, mert 40 éve nyertünk Brightonban. "
Arra a kérdésre, hogy elmondta-e a díjat az Abba tagjainak , Benny válasza -
"Nem, de tudnak róla egyébként. Látjuk egymást hébe-hóba, és beszélünk arról, hogy mit kellene vagy nem kellene tenni.Tekintettel arra, hogy nem voltunk együtt 1982 óta, ez nem is olyan meglepő. Nem fogunk újra együtt fellépni, legalábbis nem a közeljövőben -, és a jövőben is a végéhez közeledik már. "
News / Hírek |
2014.01.29. 11:54 |
We are so happy and proud to announce a new children's book written by Björn Ulvaeus and illustrated by Maja Lindberg - The Little White Piano!
This charming and enthralling book tells the story of the piano which many of ABBA’s greatest hits were composed on. The book is available in five languages and can be bought from today at ABBA The Museum and at our webshop,
Abba the museum webshopjában kapható Björn mesekönyve, 5 nyelven.
A híres fehér zongora története melyen sok sok Abba dal született.
Ez már szerintem a 2. kiadás az első elfogyott.
Először a londoni Abbaworld-ön lehetett megvásárolni.
BAO tour 2013. |
2013.07.20. 11:34 |
Benny Andersson and his band are off and running
Thursday evening in Gothenburg, saw the 2013 BAO Summer Tour get underway, and with it comes the chance to assess the changes to the set list and to see whether this year’s tour is as rapturously received as all previous ones have been.
Goteborg’s Posten was certainly impressed, prompting the reviewer Joanna Wahlsten to wonder what will happen to this incredible tradition of wonderful music in beautiful locations when she grows old. ‘Will it carry on?’ she wonders.
She wrote: “Joy is what is expressed from the stage – and from the audience. There is a pause of about seven seconds, maybe ten before the first couple is up on the dance floor set below the stage. From that moment on, the dance floor remains occupied throughout the night, which, incidentally, was so perfectly bathed in summer light, I began to think that summer prevails wherever Benny Andersson and his Orchestra goes.
‘This is a group of musicians who know what they are doing. The question is not really whether it is good or not good. Of course it is good! But it’s the setting that makes the enjoyment factor skyrocket.
“In addition to the beautiful weather we are dealing with a friendly, happy audience, a familiar atmosphere (it all begins with a birthday song sung by orchestra and audience for Kalle Moraeus, who turned 50 last Monday) – and a well-nigh perfect purely logistical solution: letting people bring along deckchairs and picnic baskets to a park in the middle of town to listen to music.
“It is a completely brilliant idea. This obvious fact hit me with such force that I suddenly feel a pang of anxiety that this brilliant tradition may disappear somewhere down the line.”
She gave the concert a score of four out of five stars.
For those interested in the setlist, the most striking additions were the inclusion of ABBA’s One Man, One Woman and two songs from Benny and Björn’s latest stage collaboration Hjälp sökes, namely Svarta Silhuetter and Bortom sol och mane.
Also new is Sit Tight, a version of the instrumental Lauren with new lyrics that Björn has written and the inclusion of Stig Anderson’s Tivedshambo (which ABBA recorded as a video tribute back in 1986).
In a nice cross reference to the latest addition to the ABBA catalogue, BAO perform the track Jag är blott en man, written by Björn, Benny and Stig – and which can also be found on the forthcoming Ring Ring Deluxe Edition album as recorded by Jarl Kulle. (It became I Am Just A Girl when recorded by ABBA.)
Saknadens rum is also included in the tracks played at Gothenburg.
Anyone who has seen more than one performance of BAO on tour knows that the new additions to the setlist are subject to change based on audience reaction. In that sense, Göteborg was the place to be to see the entire setlist tried out…let’s hope the new songs last the tour’s duration.
BAO favourites such as the opening number Glasgow Boogie, Jehu, Sommaren du fick, Monas vals, Jag hör, Why Did It Have To Be Me?, Cadillac, Bonder söker fru, Kisses Of Fire, Badinerie, Hasta Mañana are all intact and in evidence on the 2013 tour during the 3½ hour+ shows.
/Info Icethesite/