First promotional trip/ Az els promcis turn |
2011.09.21. 12:08 |
Az els turn Eurpban
1973. mrciusban indult az Abba els turnjra...........Agnetha nlkl. Agnetha pr napos kisbabjval Lindval otthon maradt. Inger Brundin helyettestette, aki Frida bartnje volt akkoriban. A csere mg akkor senkinek nem tnt fel, mivel az egyttes nem volt ismert Eurpban.
The first promotional trip in Europe
Bjrn, Benny, Frida and... Inger Brundin went on the promotional tour in the middle of March 1973. Agnetha did not participate because of her first days as mother to little Linda. The group was unknown in Europe and it was not so big problem to have a stand-in for Agnetha so Inger pretended to be the other female singer in the group. They did promotion for their forthcoming album performing (of course not live) "People Need Love" and "Ring Ring". The trip went through West Germany, Austria, Holland and Belgium.
Ring Ring
People need love |
Frida Jokerfejs 1984 |
2011.08.27. 11:50 |
Frida Jokerfejs 1984.
Frida sznsznknt dolgozott egy humoros svd msorban. A felvtelek 1983-ban kezddtek. A bemutat 1984. februr 10-n volt Stockholmban.
Frida acting
In summer and autumn 1983 Frida worked as an actress during filming of an episode film "Jokerfejs" (The Joker face) co-written by Swedish comedian Magnus Hrenstam. The film's length was 61 minutes and it contained 12 funny stories/sketches. "Jokerfejs" had its premiere in Stockholm on February 10th 1984.
Kattints a kpre a vidert!
Klick on the pic for video!
Let the right one in / Engedj be! 2008. |
2011.08.17. 23:29 |
Nekem nagy nagy meglepetst okozott, mikor megtudtam, hogy ebben a svd horrorfilmben hallhat Agnetha szerzemnye. Nem is nagyon akartam elhinni.
Rendez Tomas Alfredson
A trtnet:
Stockholm fagyos s meglehetsen nyomorsgos klvrosban jrunk, valamikor a 80-as vek elejn. Hsnk, Oskar Eriksson teljesen tlagos, m magnyos 12 ves kisfi. Prblja p brrel megszni, hogy osztlytrsai lland jelleggel terrorizljk. Otthon – ahol desanyjval kettesben lnek – titkon sorozatgyilkosokrl szl jsgkivgsokat s ms hasonl dolgokat gyjt. Egy nap egy fn, nem messze Oskark hztl egy ritulisan meggyilkolt fi holttestre bukkannak. Oskar ekzben megismerkedik Elivel, aki a szomszd laksba kltztt egy idsebb frfival – akirl a nz hamarosan azt felttelezheti, hogy az apja. A kis Eli ugyanolyan magnyos, mint Oskar, gy hamar bartsgot ktnek.
Az Engedj be! John Ajvide Lindqvist bestsellern alapul, ami hatalmas siker volt Svdorszgban, s gy tnik, a nemzetkzi kznsget is meghdtja. Tomas Alfredson adaptcija – amely nmagban is nagyszer alkots – minden bizonnyal hozzjrul majd a m vilgsikerhez. A film – amely Morrissey Let the Right One Slip In cm dalbl klcsnzi cmt – idnknt htborzongat, sokkol s flelmetes, de mindezeken tllpve hangulatos, intelligens, a felntt vls elutastsrl, bartsgrl s vgzetrl szl mesjvel a rendez megindt s irodalmi mdon leszti jra a j reg vmprtematikt. A dn–svd Hoyte van Hoytema operatri munkja pedig gynyr.
Engedj be! (Let the Right One In) djai
Gteborgi Filmfesztivl (2008)
Nordic Film Prize: Legjobb film – Tomas Alfredson
Nordic Vision Award: Legjobb operatr – Hoyte van Hoytema
Tribecai Filmfesztivl (2008)
Best Narrative Feature – Motion Picture
/Hallgasd meg!/
Szerzje: Agnetha Faltskog
Eladja: Agnetha Faltskog
A classic; perfect mix of horror, romance and stays true to vampires
Let the Right One In is about Oscar, an overlooked and bullied boy, finds love and revenge through Eli, a beautiful but peculiar girl who turns out to be a vampire. (imdb)
Let the Right One In is a fantastic horror film with vampires. During the current vampire fad, every time a vampire movie is mentioned, it is automatically compared to Twilight. Let the Right One is a classic and SHOULD NOT BE COMPARED to Twilight. Let the Right One embraces the horror of vampires, tight focus on forbidden love and stays true to the myth of vampires.
Let the Right One does not rely on the use computer generated effects to create the horror elements. The film is able to capture the atmosphere of fear and horror despite the low budget. Using sound effects, sights of gore and the audience's imagination, Let the Right One succeeds in becoming one of the best vampire horror/romance I have seen in a long time.
/Listen to it!/
Written by Agnetha Fltskog
Performed by Agnetha Fltskog
Money Money Money 1976 |
2011.08.09. 14:35 |
Amikor legelszr 1976-ban megjelent ez az albumuk, itthon jugoszlv kiadsban lehetett megvenni.
Emltettem korbban az LP-knl, hogy jobban szeretem ahogy ezek a lemezek szlnak, mint a cd-k.
El sem tudom mondani, hnyszor hallgattam meg annak idejn ezt a lemezt, meg persze most is elveszem nosztalgizni.
Most, hogy a gyjtemnyembe sok-sok lemez s cd kerlt, szinte mindegyiken megtallhat ez a szm a Money Money Money.
rdekes dolgot fedeztem fel, mikzben hallgattam ezeket.
Az eredeti stdi felvtelen egy pattans hallatszik a kvetkez szvegrsznl:
"If I got me a wealthy man"
Ezt onnt vettem szre, hogy a cd-ken is hallani lehetett ezt a hibt!!!! Pedig kztudott, hogy a cd-k nem pattognak, ez az LP-k kivltsga. Ekkor elhatroztam, hogy meghallgatom az sszes meglv lemezemet s cd-imet, hogy tnyleg igaz-e ez az lltsom. Igen, igaz lett. Mindegyiken hallhat volt a kis pattogs, mg a remaster cd-ken is. Nem gondoltam volna, hogy senki nem veszi szre s nem javtja ki!
Arrival" was released on October 11, 1976 in Scandinavia.
I got this LP after its release.
I always like LP's sound better than CD's.
I listen to this LP so many times and now I used to listen to it often this is nostalgic for me. I don't know how many times listened to the track Money, Money, Money from this album
Now I have so many LP's and CD's for my collection that I can find this song on a lot of them.
I found something interesting when I listen to them and hear Money Money Money.
I heard a mistake on the original studio recording LP the first release
"If I got me a wealthy man"
I heard this mistake from the cd-s!!!! We all know cd-s have clear sound only vinyls can make mistakes after many playing.
I decided I listen to all recordings what I have and I heard on all this mistake. I am interested in knowing, how could it happen, that nobody heard this when made remasters?!
Hallgasd meg a kvetkez felvteleket!
Listen to the recordings!
Polar Music original recording
Abbadabbadoo /Playback/
Abba in Japan 1978. live
A kvetkez lemezeken hallhat:
Currently available on:
the CDs Arrival, ABBA Gold - Greatest Hits, Thank You For The Music, SOS - The Best Of ABBA, The Definitive Collection, The Ultimate Collection, 30th Anniversary Original Album Box, The Complete Studio Recordings, La Nostra Storia - 20 Grandi Successi, Chronicles - 3 Classic Albums, Arrival Deluxe Edition, Number Ones, The Albums, ABBA Gold - Complete Edition, 2 for 1: ABBA + Arrival, ABBA Collected and the DVDs The Definitive Collection, ABBA Gold - Greatest Hits, Number Ones.
Kp hibval / Pic with mistake |
2011.08.08. 22:15 |
Nzd meg alaposan ezt a kpet! Megtallod rajta a hibt?
Kattints r!
See this pic! Do you find a mistake on it?
Click on it!
Figyelmesen nzd meg Frida lbt. Fordtva van a kpen. A Polarnl senki nem vette szre ezt a hibt s kzztettk a kpet!
Az oka egszen biztos az volt, hogy akkoriban mgnem voltak kpszerkeszt programok, mint most, amikkel szinte mindent meg lehet valstani, amit csak elkpzel az ember.
Agnetha kpt akkoriban elg nehz volt beilleszteni a kpbe.
Tudtommal ez az egyetlen ilyen kp. Mita meglttam ezt, minden kpet mg alaposabban szemgyre veszek, htha van rajta valami hiba.
See Frida's leg under the TV! It is reversed. In the Polar offices nobody saw this big mistake on the pic. They released this with it.
I think the reason was, that in these years they hadn't softwares to make pics better.
It was so hard to make the pic, Agnetha's pic effect was not so easy.
Since I saw this pic first, I always try to find mistakes on the Abba pics.
I didn't find another yet.
1971 Agnetha Bjrn |
2011.07.30. 22:50 |
Az eskv / Wedding
40 ves vfordul / 40th anniversary
1971. junius 6-n Agnetha s Bjrn hzassgot kttt. Az v eskvje volt, sok-sok rajong vrta ket a templomnl. Hazjukban akkor mr mindketten hresek voltak s npszerek.
Benny s a Hep Stars jtszotta Benny szerzemnyt a "Wedding" "Eskv" c. szmot.
On July 6, 1971 Bjrn married Agnetha in the Verum church in Skåne in southern Sweden. It was the wedding of the year. So many fans waited for them. In their country they were famous.
Benny and Hep Stars played Benny's song "Wedding".
A templom. Church.
Kpek /Pics
Tudtad? / Did you know?
Amikor Agnetha s Bjrn leszllt a lovaskocsirl s elindult a templomhoz, Agnetha lbra rlpett az egyik l. Szerencsre nem volt komoly srlse s az eskvt meg tudtk tartani.
When Agnetha and Bjorn got off from the carriage one of the horses stepped on Agnetha's foot. She was lucky her foot wasn't hurt badly and she was able to continue with the wedding.
Agnetha 1983. |
2011.07.23. 15:28 |
A knyv amely alapjn a film kszlt.
The book.
Agnetha 1982 nyarn szerepett kapott egy svd filmben. Gunnar Hellstrm rendezte.A film a svd Casanovrl szl, a 40-es vekben Stockholmban lt. Agnetha Lisa szerept jtssza a filmben, aki a frfi egyetlen igaz szerelme volt.
In the summer of 1982 Agnetha took the first step towards work outside the group. She accepted her first film role in a Swedish movie "Raskenstam" directed by Gunnar Hellstrm. The film was about a Swedish Casanova who lived in Stockholm in the 1940s and was engaged with a lot of women at the same time. Agnetha played Lisa who was Raskenstam's only real love.
Forgats/During the filming
A film bemutatja 1983-ban volt desapja is ott volt.
Her father was there with her the premiere of Raskenstam.
Agnetha with her father.
Frida 1979 |
2011.07.20. 09:31 |
Gå på vattnet om du kan - the movie
1979 februrjban Frida Spanyolorszgba utazott, hogy rszt vegyen egy svd film forgatsn, amiben szerepet vllalt.
In February 1979 Frida went to Spain where she acted in a Swedish movie picture "Gå på vattnet om du kan". Frida played a minor role in this incredibly boring film.
Kattints a kpre!
Click on the pic!
Welcome/dvzllek |
2011.07.20. 09:25 |
Ez az j men az egytteshez kapcsold rdekes informcikat tartalmazza. Igyekszem a tmkrl a lehet legtbb dolgot sszegyjteni. /Kpeket, videkat, szveget, jsgcikkeket./ Ha van kedved,segts nekem, hogy minl tbb klnleges, eddig esetleg mg nem ismert hrt kzztehessnk. rj e-mailt! /Megtallod a Site infban./ Ksznm.
This new menu will contain rare infos about the group. I try to collect informations with pics, videos, and news. Please, help me to collect, if you want and have a never heard before story. Here we can share. Write me a mail. /You can find in the site info./ Thank you in advance. |