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2015.09.04. 20:26 |
ABBA (Bjorn, Benny, Anna & Frida)* – Ring Ring
Epic – S EPC 2452
Vinyl, 7", 45 RPM, Single, Reissue
Nagyon ritka Epic kislemez.
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2015.09.03. 19:36 |
Long awaited real rarity RTB labelled Waterloo album.
Never seen before.
I was lucky again.
Rgen vrt igazi klnlegessg Jugoszlv RTB Waterloo lemez.
Nagyon szerencss voltam megint.
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2015.08.16. 14:33 |
I am very happy finally got this single.
Hard to find item I think.
Released in the UK, Epic labelled single.
Nagyon rlk ennek a kislemeznek. Mr rg ta szerettem volna megszerezni.
Angol Epic kiads Waterloo kislemez 1974-bl.
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2015.08.01. 21:40 |
These two Russian albums are very very rare and hard to find item in novadays.
Different and same covers, released in 1977-1978.
The drawing cover has Laminated Sleeve!
Very strange to read in Russian, the song's title were translated.
I am sorry for the bad sided picture on the cover.
In the 70s Abba was hard to reach for Russian people because of the iron-courtain.
/For us in Hungary, too./
A1 Орел / Eagle
A2 Попытай Счастья Со Мной / Take A Chance On Me
A3 Один Мужчина, Одна Женщина / One Man, One Woman
A4 Название Игры / The Name Of The Game
B1 Будь В Движении / Move On
B2 Рана Души / Hole In Your Soul
B3 Спасибо За Музыку / Thank You For The Music
B4 Мне Интересно / I Wonder
B5 Я - Марионетка / I'm A Marionette
Ez a kt szovjet album nagyon klnleges szinte megszerezhetetlen manapsg.
1977-78-ban jelentek meg. Klnbz bortval.
A fehr bort klnlegessge, hogy laminlt.
Az orosz rajongk szmra minden elrhetetlen volt az Abbval kapcsolatban a vasfggny miatt.
Mint itthon is akkoriban.
Furcsa a dalok cmt oroszul ltni s olvasni a bortn.
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2015.08.01. 21:37 |
Dancing Queen in Japan
"Dancing Queen" was a new single released in Japan on April 25, 1977. A picture of ABBA in the "Money Money Money" outfits was chosen for the cover. "Tiger" was on the B-side. The single reached #19 on the Japanese chart where it stayed for unbelievable 55 weeks!
A Dancing Queen kislemez 1977-ben jelent meg Japnban.
55 hten t volt a slgerlistkon.
A lemez bortja egyedi s a B oldalon a Tiger c. dal kapott helyet.
A japn lemezek mind nagyon klnlegesek, mint ez is pldul.
Nagyon rlk neki.
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2015.07.29. 13:25 |
Honey Honey - the LP
ABBA became very quickly very popular in West Germany. At the end of 1974 the German record company "Karusell" released the LP "Honey Honey", entitled after the group's latest single hit in Germany. The LP contained songs previously available only in Scandinavia on ABBA's first LP "Ring Ring". The track "I Saw It In The Mirror" was not included on this release and instead there was "She's My Kind of Girl" an early Bjrn & Benny recording without any participation of Agnetha and Frida. The title track opened the side 2 of the LP and it was the only song taken from the LP "Waterloo". The LP "Honey Honey" would be re-released by Polydor in January 1979 with different cover but the same track listing. At the beginning of 1990s the album was even released on CD. Both the first LP release and the CD release are practically impossible to find nowadays.
Ez a vlogats lemez 1974-ben jelent meg nyugat Nmetorszgban. Az ABBA nagyon gyorsan npszer lett ott.
Szinte az els vlogats lemez.
Kt albumrl kerltek fel szmok a Ring ring-rl s a Waterloo-rl.
Manapsg a cd vltozatot is nagyon nehz megszerezni.
1979. janurjban jra kiadta ezt a lemezt a Polydor kiad.
The story |
2015.07.20. 09:19 |
Voulez-Vous/Kisses of Fire - the Spanish single
The Spanish record company was not so "brave" as the other record companies representing Polar Music. "Does Your Mother Know" was too risky for release in Spain and that's why more "traditional" ABBA song "Voulez-Vous" was chosen for the A-side b/w "Kisses of Fire". The single entered the Spanish hit chart in May and reached #9.
Back in time 2009. when I got this SP.
It was totally new for me the story of this single.
Ennek a kislemeznek trtnete van.
Vissza kell mennem 2009-be amikor megvettem.
Most olvastam s Karcsi is meslte, hogy a spanyol lemezkiadnak nem volt annyi btorsga, mint a tbbi lemezkiadnak, megjelentetni a "Does your mother know" c. j dalt, helyette inkbb a VV, mint tradicionlis Abba dal kerlt az A oldalra. Spanyolorszgban elgg kockzatos volt megjelentetni akkoriban ezt a dalt.
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2015.07.12. 18:54 |
EP in East Germany
An EP with "Under Attack" was released in East Germany (DDR) in 1983. The other tracks on this EP were: "Super Trouper", "Head Over Heels" and "One Of Us".
ABBA - ABBA (7", EP) (AMIGA - 5 56 070)
AMIGA – 5 56 070
Amiga Quartett –
Vinyl, 7", EP, 45 RPM
German Democratic Republic (GDR)
Electronic, Pop
Ballad, Disco
1983-ban jelent meg ez az EP a Nmet Demokratikus Kztrsasgban /DDR/
4 szm kerlt fel r.
Az Amiga Kiad sorozatnak rsze. /Amiga Quartett/
Nagyon rlk neki, klnleges lemez.
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2015.07.12. 16:33 |
s mra egy Polar eredeti svd lemez.
Ez az album elg sokra kszlt el mivel Bennynek s Bjrnnek egy idre nem volt tbb tlete, ihlete j dalokhoz, elkpzelhet, hogy magnleti problmik miatt.
Sokfle stlus dal megtallhat a lemezen.
Karcsinak ksznm ismt.
Voulez-Vous - the album
Finally the long-awaited new album was released on April 23nd, 1979. The 10 songs on the LP represented different styles from ballad to reggae and disco. The album seemed to be a little bit messy though. It was probably because of some kind lack of new musical ideas or maybe because of the personal problems in the group. The album contains though some of the best ABBA songs ever as "If It Wasn't For The Nights", "Lovers" or "The King Has Lost His Crown". The LP was released all over the world in slightly different versions.
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2015.07.12. 12:00 |
Very special VV album made in Bulgaria.
Label isn't the same like other one in my collection.
Thanks so much Karcsi again!
Ismt egy klnleges kiadvny.
A lemez cmkje nem ugyanaz, mint a msik bolgr lemez.
Ksznm Karcsinak ezt a klnlegessget!
Scroll down and you can find the other one!
Grgess le ezen az oldalon megtallod a msik lemezt!