Benny 1987. |
2011.11.08. 11:28 |

1987-ben Benny Moszkvban jrt s egytt szerepelt Alla Pugacsovval egy kzs svd szovjet TV msorban.
"Jacob's Ladder in Moscow" in 1987.
Benny s Bjrn fel szerette volna krni Pugacsovt a Chess musical egyik szerepre. Sajnos ez a politikai helyzet miatt nem valsulhatott meg.
Alla Pugachyova and Benny Andersson (at the piano) performing a potpourri of ABBA songs at the Soviet-Swedish TV program "Jacob's Ladder in Moscow" in 1987.
Benny and Bjrn wanted to ask her for a role in the musical Chess. It couldn't happen the reason was politics.
Bjorn and Benny wanted for their musical’s role for Alla Pugachova, who is very successful singer in the Soviet Union.

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The visitors / Nu tandas tusen juleljus 30 |
2011.11.01. 19:47 |

Az egyttes utols studialbuma ppen 30 ve jelent meg elszr. Akrhnyszor utna szmolok, mindig meglepdm, hogy elrohant az id.
November 30-n kerlt elszr a boltok polcaira Svdorszgban.
30 years ago
ABBA released their last studio album "The Visitors" on November 30th, 1981 (in Sweden).

Agnetha 30 vvel ezeltt ksztette ezt a karcsonyi lemezt kislnyval Lindval. Nem sokra ismt aktulis lesz, hiszen kzeledik a karcsony.
1981. november 6-n jelent meg.
A lemezen hagyomnyos svd karcsonyi nekek hallhatk. A felvteleknl kzremkdtt Michael Tretow s az Abba zenekar tagjai is.
Nu tndas tusen juleljus
Polar released the Christmas album "Nu tndas tusen juleljus" on November 6th, 1981. The album featured classical Swedish and international Christmas carrols performed by Agnetha with her daughter Linda. The total length was 30 minutes 44 seconds. The album had been recorded in November 1980 with ABBA musicians and Michael B. Tretow as engineer.
Frida Benny 1969. 1978. |
2011.10.25. 19:13 |

Frida tallkozik Bennyvel
Frida elszr Malmben mrciusban tallkozott Bennyvel. Egyttlptek fel Charlie Norman ttermben.
"Ez egy nagyon rvid tallkozs volt. Legkzelebb akkor tallkoztunk mikor egytt szerepeltnk a Midnight Hour c. rdi msorban. Ez utn tallkoztunk rendszeresen." - nyilatkozta Frida.
1969. augusztusban nyilvnosan is egytt jrtak, a tehetsges zeneszerz s a tehetsges nekes.
Frida meets Benny
Frida met Benny for the first time in Malm in March. She played together with Charlie Norman at the restaurant "Kramer" and Benny together with Hep Stars and Bjrn Ulvaeus at "Arkaden". "It was a very short meeting. Next time we met each other when we made the radio special "Midnight Hour". After that we started to meet each other regularly."
In August 1969 it was officially confirmed that Frida and Benny were a couple. It meant the beginning of musical cooperation between two of them - a talented composer and a talented singer.

Az eskv
1978. oktber 6-n Frida s Benny hzassgot kttt Lidingben. Legkzelebbi bartaikat hvtk meg.

The wedding
On 6 October 1978 Benny and Anni-Frid got married in Liding church. Their closest friends were there including: Agnetha Fltskog and Bjrn Ulvaeus, Stikkan, Gudrun, Grel Johnson, Bjrn Skifs and Claes af Geijerstam.

ABBA 1970 |
2011.10.12. 23:45 |

Kattints a kpre!
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Az ABBA els TV szereplse 1970. 09.20-n egy svd TV showban volt, ahol egy country dalt nekeltek s egy msik szmban httrnekesknt lptek fel.
1970-09-20..ABBA's first appearance ever on a Swedish tv show, performing the country song "California Here I Come" and ABBA sing the chorus of "Red Roses For A Blue Lady", with Swedish jazz singer "Gunnar Siljaboo. |
Agnetha Bjrn 1969 |
2011.10.12. 23:36 |
Agnetha s Bjrn 1969-ben tallkoztak elszr egy TV showban, "Jules Sylvain Kavalkad".
Kattints a kpre!

Agnetha and Bjrn met 1969. in a TV show "Jules Sylvain Kavalkad" .
Click on the pic!
ABBA in USA 35 |
2011.10.11. 13:48 |

1976. oktber 10-14. kztt az Abba az US-ban jrt. Ekkor a Fernando c. szmuk mr nagy siker volt ott is.
Tbb TV showban is fellptek.

ABBA IN USA, October 10-24
ABBA in Los Angeles, October 10-14, 1976
On October 10, ABBA went to North America where "Fernando" was already a big hit. They performed in 8 TV shows in USA and Canada. In the "Dinah Shore Show Frida and Benny were offered the chance to get married in front of TV cameras - an offer in the typical American style which was though refused by the couple. During the trip through America ABBA received a ... British prize of the newspaper "Sun" as the best entertainer in UK.
ARRIVAL album 35 |
2011.10.11. 13:01 |

ppen ma, oktber 11-n jelent meg Svdorszgban ez az album 1976-ban. Ez az egyttes negyedik albuma, vlemnyem szerint az egyik legjobb, mind kzl. Mr hallhat az egyedi Abba hangzs, amely annyira jellemz minden dalukra.
1984-ben jelent meg elszr cd-n. Tbb alkalommal is megjelent remaster vltozata 1997. 2000.2005. 2006. vekben.

Arrival is the fourth studio album by the Swedish pop group ABBA. It was originally released in Sweden on October 11, 1976 by Polar Music. Recording sessions began in August 1975 and continued until September 1976. The album was recorded at Metronome and Glen studios in Stockholm, Sweden. Arrival was first released on CD in 1984. The album has been reissued in digitally remastered form a total of four times; first in 1997, then in 2001, 2005 as part of The Complete Studio Recordings box set, and again in 2006 (as a special Deluxe Edition).

Nzd meg a TV reklmot s hallgass dalokat a lemezrl!
See the TV advert and listen to the songs from the LP!
ABBA in Poland 35 |
2011.10.07. 17:22 |

1976. oktberben ppen 35 ve jrt az Abba lengyelorszgi turnjn. Hogy elreplt az id!
Ekkor ksztettk a nagy siker ABBA in Studio 2 c. TV msort.
Itt hangzottak el elszr a hamarosan megjelen j album dalai. /Arrival/
Ez az egyik legjobban sikerlt tv msoruk, felszabadult, j hangulat msor. A kznsg igazn kzel lehetett hozzjuk s tevkenyen rszt is vehetett a felvtelen.

At the beginning of October ABBA paid a visit behind iron curtain - in Poland. They went to Warsaw one week before the release of the new album "Arrival". The Polish audience in the TV studio in Warsaw was probably the first audience in the world which could hear almost all the songs from the forthcoming album "Arrival".

Meglepets koncert /Surprise concert |
2011.10.02. 23:48 |

1979. mjus 18.-19. emlkezetes nap a svd rajongk szmra.
Az Abba "titkos" vendgknt egytt utazott Bjrn Skifs-sel, aki disco klubokban adott koncerteket.
Egyszer csak megjelent az Abba egyttes a sznpadon s az j lemezrl nekeltek. /Voulez-Vous/
A nagy 1979-es turn eltt az Abba gy prblta ki, hogyan hat a kznsgre l eladsuk.
Nem nehz kitallni, hogy a hallgatsg teljesen meg volt lepdve s az egyttes fergeteges sikert aratott.

The rehearsals before the tour 79
On 18 & 19 May ABBA was secret guest on Bjrn Skifs concerts at disco clubs in Landskrona and Norrkping. In front of a totally surprised audience ABBA tested their live performance.

Greatest Hits 35 |
2011.10.02. 13:44 |

35 ve jelent meg elszr ez a lemez, 1975. november 17-n Svdorszgban. Az els kiadson nem szerepelt a Fernando c. j sikerszm.
A ksbbi kiadsokon mr rajta volt ez a nagy siker dal is, 1976 tavaszn.

A bortt Hans Arnold festmvsz ksztette. Az egyttes a Veckorevyn svd jsg szavazsn nyerte el az v egyttese cmet. A dj, hogy ez a kp elkszlhetett s 5000 svd korona, amit az egyttes jtkony clra ajnlott fel.

ABBA became group of the year in the voting of the readers of the Swedish magazine "Veckorevyn". They were awarded with a painting of Hans Arnold and 5000 Swedish Crowns which the group decided to give for charity.

The first Scandinavian version of "Greatest Hits" was released on November 17th, 1975. The gatefold cover featured painting of ABBA created by Hans Arnold and the classical picture of ABBA on the park bench. The first issue of the album did not include "Fernando" but the song was added on the later international versions of the album.
The compilation "Greatest Hits" including Fernando - one of ABBA's greatest hits ever - was released all over the world in the spring 1976. The well-known "bench" photo session was used on most of the covers but even the painting of Hans Arnold featured on the Scandinavian releases was used on some issues mostly in Spanish language territories.
