45th anniversary / 45 ve trtnt |
2012.03.02. 22:49 |
Most, hogy elkezdtem rni ezt a bejegyzst dbbentem meg azon, hogy Agnetha s Frida 45 ve adta ki els lemezt. Hogy elszaladt az id.
Agnetha ezt a dalt 17 vesen rta. Nem gondolta volna, hogy az egyttes, amellyel fellpett akkoriban sikerrel fogja eladni. Dntenie kellett, dolgozik tovbb mint telefonos kisasszony, vagy neklssel keresi meg fizetst. Egyrtelm mit vlasztott, az neklst s a fellpseket.
Egyik alkalommal Little Gerhard is hallotta az egyttest s Agnetha szmt. Pr nappal ksbb Agnetht felkereste telefonon egy hang aki Gerhardtnak mondta magt s meginvitlta t a dal felvtelre Stockholmba. Agnetha kellemetlen helyzetbe kerlt mert csak t hvtk meg az egyttest akikkel fellpett nem. Vgl desapja ksrte el Stockholmba, ahol elkszlt a felvtel s kiadsra kerlt a kislemez. Ksbb a slgerlistn igen elkelhelyre kerlt.
When I started to write this news I had to find out time flies so fast, 45 years gone since Agnetha and Frida released their first singles.
But Agnetha did not want to wait anymore. She knew that a dance band "Bernt Enghardts Orkester" in the twin city to Jnkping, Huskvarna was looking for a singer. The band was more and more popular and they played not only on weekends but even on weekdays. Agnetha who worked as a phone operator in Jnkping realized that it was impossible to combine it any more.
When she was 17 she wrote her first big hit "Jag var så kr" (I was so in love).
Agnetha remembers:
"As far as I can remember I had a need of writing music and my own songs. For the band I had already done "Jag var så kr" and we noticed that the song was very liked by our audience. As soon as it was decided that our band would send a demo to Little Gerhard it was natural that "Jag var så kr" was one of the songs on this band."
Agnetha continues:
"Some weeks later a guy called me and said that he was Little Gerhard. He asked me if I wanted to record an album. I was almost sure that someone from my band was joking and I said that I did not believe him. I wanted to have an evidence. He said: If I send back the demo and write best greetings to you, do you believe me then?"
The demo came back and Agnetha had her evidence. But it was not so easy as she thought. The record company was namely interested only in Agnetha and not the rest of the band.
"It was a very sensitive situation. It was not easy for me to explain for the boys that the record company did not want them to be on the record."
Father Ingvar followed to Stockholm to the very first recording session. During one day she recorded four songs. Two of them written by herself "Jag var så kr" and "Utan dig" (Without you). Even the latter became a big hit on the Swedish chart.
30th anniversary/30 ve trtnt |
2012.03.02. 22:36 |
30 ve jelent meg az egyttesrl ez a hivatalos kiadvny 1982-ben.
This official Abba Annual released in 1982.
35 ve trtnt/ 35th Anniversary |
2012.02.25. 15:09 |
This flexi-disc was released in December 77 and distributed as a bonus to children magazines selling door to door for Christmas. It contained a medley of 5 songs recorded live in Australia. Probably still one of the rariest ABBA items in the world as these songs are still unavailable on any official ABBA release.
Abba live 77
Ez a flexi lemez 1977 decemberben okozott nagy meglepetst sokak szmra mikor megnztk a postaldjukat. Gyermekmagazin mellkleteknt jelent meg. 5 felvtelt tartalmaz, amelyek az ausztrliai turnn kerltek felvtelre. Taln az egyik legklnlegesebb darab a gyjtk szmra, mert olyan felvteleket tartalmaz, amelyek soha semmilyen eredeti kiadvnyon nem jelentek meg.
On 26 December 1977 ABBA attended the Swedish premiere of their film "ABBA The Movie". The premiere took place at the China Theatre in Stockholm. The premiere was attended by 1200 people. A lot of special guests were invited and as soon as ABBA came on the red carpet a big ovation could be heard. Before the film started, Claes af Geijerstam presented the world stars on the stage. After the premiere Gudrun and Stikkan Anderson had a party in their new house, "Villa Ekarne" in Djurgården in Stockholm. The journalists were mostly very critical but Expressen gave 4 points (out of 5).
1977 decemberben az egyttes filmjk premierjn jelent meg Stockholmban. A China Sznhzban volt a bemutat. 1200 ember vehetett rszt rajta. A klnleges vendgek ott lehettek, mikor az Abba megrkezett a vrs sznyegen, nagy ovcival fogdtk ket. A premier utn Stig Andersson partyt adott vadonatj hzban. Az jsgrk nagyon kritikusak voltak a filmmel, de az Expressen jsg 5 pontbl 4-et adott r.
35 ve trtnt/ 35th Anniversary |
2012.02.25. 14:56 |
The ABBA necklace
In 1977 the Swedish company "Sporrong" started producing an ABBA necklace. Both Frida and Agnetha wore the necklace on most of the photo sessions in 1977 and 1978. The "chess" session below was one of the first ABBA photo sessions with the girls wearing the ABBA necklace.
ABBA nyaklnc
1977-ben a svd Sporrong cg megjelentette az Abba nyaklncot. Agnetha s Frida viselte 1977-78-ban a jl ismert forsorozatokon. Legelszr a "sakk" fotsorozaton volt lthat a lnyokon.
ABBA The Album was released in Sweden and other Scandinavian countries on December 12th, 1977. The Swedish and English covers were different but they featured the same painting - a collage associated to "ABBA The Movie".
"ABBA The Album" contained 9 songs and both sound and style of this album was totally different to the previous ABBA LPs. The songs were longer and they had more advanced melody line. The opening song "Eagle" was the longest song ever recorded by ABBA with the length of 5.51 minutes. The biggest chart hit from "The Album", "Take A Chance On Me" featuring Agnetha in lead vocals was the second track on the album and it was followed by a beautiful ballad "One Man One Woman" performed by Frida. The A-side ended with the first single promoting the LP - "The Name of The Game".
Ez a lemez 1977 decemberben jelent meg skandinv orszgokban. Az angol s a svd bort klnbzik egymstl. A grafika a bortn az Abba filmre emlkeztet.
Ezen a lemezen 9 dal hallhat s mind a stlus, mind a zene teljesen ms mint az eddig megjelent lemezeken hallhatk. Hosszabbak s dallamosabbak. Az Eagle c. szm az eddigi leghosszabb abba szm. A nagylemezt a The name of the game kislemez elzte meg, mely a slgerlistkat is vezette.
The "chess" session below was one of the first ABBA photo sessions with the girls wearing the ABBA necklace.
Legelszr a "sakk" fotsorozaton volt lthat a lnyokon.
40th Anniversary / 40 ve trtnt |
2012.02.22. 22:24 |
En karusell - the single
Before Abba.
The very last Bjrn & Benny single was released in May 1972. It contained two B & B compositions "En karusell" (Merry-Go-Round) and "Att finnas till" (To be). The first song would be later released even in English and German on the singles credited to Bjrn, Benny, Agnetha & Frida. In June 1972 "En karusell" became a minor hit on Svensktoppen where it stayed for 3 weeks reaching #5.
En karusell
Ez volt az utols kislemez amely BB. kt dalt tartalmazta s ketten egytt adtak ki a lnyok nlkl, mieltt az Abba megalakult.
Merry Go Round volt az En karusell c. szm angol vltozatnak cme. Ez ksbb nmetl is megjelent, amikor mr ngyen egytt lptek fel Agnetha Bjrn Benny Frida nven 1972-ben.
A svd slgerlistn ez a dal 3 ht alatt 5. helyre jutott fel.
Tokyo - November 1972
Bjrn and Benny participated in "World Popular Song Festival" in Tokyo on 17 November 1972 where they sang "Santa Rosa" together with Agnetha and Frida.
Tokyo 1972
Bjrn s Benny rszt vett 1972 novemberben a tokii "World Popular Song Festival"-on.
A Santa Rosa c. dalt nekeltk Agnethval s Fridval.
40th Anniversary / 40 ve trtnt |
2012.02.15. 12:09 |
In March 1972 the foursome were in the studio together again recording a new song called "People Need Love". The single was released in Sweden in June 1972 with "Merry-Go-Round" on the B-side. The group was called Bjrn & Benny, Agnetha & Anni-Frid on the single cover and on the label on the A-side while the B-side with "Merry-Go-Round" was credited only to Bjrn and Benny. "People Need Love" reached #3 on the "Tio i topp" chart in Sweden and #17 on the "Topplistan" chart in July 1972. Promo sessions for this cover were taken on the Djurgården island in Stockholm someday in 1970.
1972 mrciusban stdiba vonultak, ahol felvettk els kislemezk dalait People need love s Marry go round c. szmokat. A lemezen ekkor mg a nevk szerepelt s aturnkon is gy hirdette ket ksbb a plakt. A People need love c. szm harmadik volt a slgerlistn.
A bort kpe a Djurgardenben kszlt.
He Is Your Brother - the second single
The second single "He Is Your Brother"/"Santa Rosa" was released by the group in November 1972. The single became #1 hit on "Tio i topp" chart in Sweden in December 1972.
He is your brother a msodik kislemez
Ez a szm 1972 novemberben jelent meg s a slgerlistn els helyezett lett.
40th Anniversary / 40 ve trtnt |
2012.02.15. 12:02 |
Vi i femman
Bjrn, Benny, Agnetha and Anni-Frid appeared on Swedish TV in the youth programme "Vi i femman". It was one of their very first appearances on Swedish TV on 30 April 1972.
Vi i femman
Bjrn, Benny,Agnetha s Anni-Frid a Vi i femman svd fiataloknak szl TV msorban tnt fel elszr 1972 rilis 30-n. Ez volt a legels szereplsk a svd TV-ben.
30th and 35th Anniversaries |
2012.01.31. 20:57 |
"Knowing Me Knowing You" entered the UK chart on February 26th, 1977 where it stayed for 13 weeks reaching #1 on April 2nd. "Knowing Me Knowing You" stayed on the top for 5 weeks.
Knowing me knowing you 1977 februrjban kerlt az angol slgerlistra 13 htig vezette az els helyen.
In France "Knowing Me Knowing You" entered the single chart in March 1977 where it stayed for coming 11 weeks peaking at #9.
Franciaorszgban 1977 mrciusban kerlt a listkra 11 htig 9. helyen volt.
In West Germany the single entered the chart on February 28, 1977 and stayed there for 26 weeks peaking at #1 on April 11th, for 2 weeks.
Nyugat Nmetorszgban 1977 februrjban 26 htig vezette a listt.
Knowing Me Knowing You - the single
The third single from the album "Arrival" featured "Knowing Me Knowing You" b/w "Happy Hawaii", an early version of "Why Did It Have To Be Me". The single was not released in Sweden but the Polar Music edition of it came out in Denmark at the beginning of the year 1977. In Norway the single entered the chart on March 3rd, 1977 and stayed there for 12 weeks peaking at #6.
Ez a kislemez Svdorszgban nem jelent meg csak Dniban s Norvgiban kerlt kiadsra Polar cmkvel, 1977 elejn. A listkon 6. helyet szerzett.
In Great Britain "Head Over Heels" was released already on February 5, 1982 and it stayed on the UK single chart for 7 weeks peaking at #25. The single cover was completely different to the other European issues.
Angliban ezs akislemez 1982 februrjban jelent meg. 7 hten keresztl 25. helyezett volt. A bort teljesen eltr a tbbi kiadstl Eurpban.
The story of Abba 1992 |
2012.01.27. 20:46 |
The story of ABBA / Az ABBA trtnete
Ez a TV show 1992-ben kszlt a holland Veronika csatorna rszre.
Az Abba tagjai mesltek letkrl s arrl hogy kezddtt minden ami a sikerhez vezette ket. Stikkan Andersson a menedzserk is nyilatkozott. Az interkat klnbz videkkal illusztrltk s a 77-es s 79-es turn kpei is lthatk voltak benne.
The Golden Years dvd tartalmazza a msor angol nyelv vltozatt.
This TV special was recorded in November in Stockholm for Dutch TV channel "Veronica". Bjrn, Benny, Agnetha and Frida were talking about their lives as musicians and how everything started. Even Stikkan Anderson was interviewed. The interview was mixed with videos from different periods as well as excerpts from ABBA's concerts in 1977 and 1979.
"The Golden Years" - low-budget release containing the English version of the Dutch TV special with ABBA from 1982.
The Visitors Deluxe Edition |
2012.01.24. 23:41 |
2012. prilis 23-n jelenik meg az egyttes utols albuma Deluxe kiadsban. A gyjtknek igen nagy meglepetssel egy sosem hallott, sosem kiadott demo vlogatssal, mely 1994 ta az els teljesen ismeretlen szm az egyttestl. A cme From A Twinkling Star To A Passing Angel (demos).
Hasonl lesz az 1994-ben megjelent demo vlogatshoz a Thank you for the music boxban.
Az eddig megszokottak szerint az audio cd bonus szmokat is tartalmaz, a dvd pedig j minsgben videkat s TV msorokat.
A track listt lsd lejjebb.
Az eredeti lemez 1981-ben jelent meg s az egyttes utols studi albuma.
April 23 sees the release of The Visitors Deluxe Edition. As with previous releases in the Deluxe Edition series, this version of ABBA’s final album offers a DVD of archive material along with CD bonus tracks – including the demo medley ‘From A Twinkling Star To A Passing Angel’, the first previously unreleased ABBA recordings since 1994!
The Deluxe Edition of The Visitors, ABBA’s eighth and final studio album, will be released on April 23, 2012. Originally released in 1981, the album features single hits such as ‘One Of Us’, ‘Head Over Heels’ and ‘When All Is Said And Done’, along with ‘Slipping Through My Fingers’, which is highlighted in one of the more poignant moments in the Mamma Mia! musical.
Like the previous Deluxe Editions of ABBA’s albums, The Visitors will feature several bonus selections along with a DVD of rare and previously unreleased material from the archives.
For ABBA fans, the most sensational inclusion in the package will be the previously unreleased track, ‘From A Twinkling Star To A Passing Angel (demos)’. This is the first time since the Thank You For The Music box set in 1994 that ABBA have opened the doors to the tape vaults to release previously unheard music from the group’s heyday.
1. The Visitors
2. Head Over Heels
3. When All Is Said And Done
4. Soldiers
5. I Let The Music Speak
6. One Of Us
7. Two For The Price Of One
8. Slipping Through My Fingers
9. Like An Angel Passing Through My Room
Bonus Tracks:
10. Should I Laugh Or Cry
11. I Am The City
12. You Owe Me One
13. Cassandra
14. Under Attack
15. The Day Before You Came
Extra Bonus Track:
16. From A Twinkling Star To A Passing Angel (demos)
1. Two For The Price Of One (Dick Cavett Meets ABBA)
2. Slipping Through My Fingers (Dick Cavett Meets ABBA)
3. When All Is Said And Done (Original Promo Clip)
4. ABBA In London, November 1982 (The Late Late Breakfast Show, BBC)
5. ABBA In Stockholm, November 1982 (Njesmaskinen, SVT)
6. The Visitors TV commercial I (UK)
7. The Visitors TV commercial II (Australia)
8. The Singles – The First Ten Years TV commercial I (UK)
9. The Singles – The First Ten Years TV commercial II (Australia)
10. International Sleeve Gallery
Egy eddig soha nem hallott Abba-dal jelenik meg
2012.01.26. 12:00 - Lngol Gitrok
jra kiadja The Visitors cm utols nagylemezt az Abba, ebben mg nincs is semmi klns, abban viszont mr igen, hogy szerepelni fog a lemezen egy eddig soha korbban nem hallott dal, ami gy 18 v utn az els hivatalos, j Abba-szm lesz, ami megjelenik. A dal a From A Twinkling Star To A Passing Angel cmet kapta, mg 1981-ben rgztettk az emltett lemezhez, vgl azonban mgsem kerlt r. gy most, tbb mint harminc v elteltvel jelenik prilis 23-n minden idk legmeghatrozbb svd zenekarnak jra kiadott utols albumn.
Az egyttes legutbb 18 vvel ezeltt, 1994-ben jelentette meg nhny korbban nem hallott dalukat a Thank You For The Music cm dszdobozos kiadvnyukban, azta semmilyen j, vagy korbban nem hallott anyag nem jelent meg tlk.
Br vek ta pletykljk, hogy az Abba egyszer taln mg jra sszell, s ezek a hangok most az prilisban megjelen j dal hrre ismt felersdni ltszanak, a zenekar vezeti, Benny Andersson s Bjrn Ulvaeus mindig hatrozottan kizrtk az jjalakuls lehetsgt. "Azt szeretnnk, ha az emberek gy emlkeznnek rnk, mint amilyenek akkoriban voltunk. Fiatalok, tele energival s ambcikkal, majd kicsattantunk az lettl." – nyilatkozta Ulvaeus mg 2008-ban. Az egyttes kt frfi tagja mindezek utn arra sem reaglt nyilvnosan, amikor zensztrsuk, Agnetha Fltskog tavaly nyilvnosan vetette fel, hogy tallkozniuk, beszlgetnik kellene, s akr gondolkodni a visszatrskn is.
Az Abba utols nagylemeznek jra kiadott vltozata egy CD-t tartalmaz majd bnusz dalokkal, kztk az emltett rgi-j dallal, valamint egy DVD-t, ritka, rgi videofelvtelekkel az egyttesrl.