Tenzingpris 2012. |
2012.11.22. 18:49 |
The winner of the prize Tenzingpris.
The prize (100.000 Swedish Crowns) was formed three years ago and is given to a person who, with relatively little publicity, has had an important part in someone elses big success. The jury chooses four persons and this year one of the nominated persons is Grel Hanser. She has worked with Benny Andersson for 40 years.
Grel Hanser at Tenzingpriset, unfortunately she didnt win. The winner was Gillis Lundgren, who has worked as designer at IKEA since 1953.
Grel Hanser a nyertes.
Grel Hansert is jellte a zsri a 3 ve alaptott Tenzingpris nev djra. Azok rszre alaptottk, akik rszt vettek illetve elsegtettk valakinek a sikert a httrbl, csendesen minden felhajts nlkl. A dj 100.000 svd korona tadsval jr.
Idn sajnos nem Grel Hanser kapta meg, br 40 ve dolgozik egytt Benny Anderssonnal s a siker nem is krds.
/ volt Stikkan Andersson mellett az Abba idkben a titkrn./
2012.11.06. 18:18 |
2012.11.05-n JenniferLopez Stockholmban adott koncertet. Agnetha tallkozott vele a sznfalak mgtt.
Agnetha meets Jennifer Lopez yesterday in Stockholm.
30th Anniversary/ 30 ve trtnt |
2012.11.02. 17:48 |
The last ABBA video directed also by Kjell Sundvall was filmed on November 16, 1982 in Norra Hammarbyhamnen in southern part of Stockholm.
Kjell Sundvall rendezte az utols Abba videt az Under attack-ot. 1982. november 16-n kszlt el a felvtel.
2012.10.31. 12:51 |
Most artistes did one song during the gala. Roxette got two songs. From KRISTINA was performed three (!) pieces; NEJ, GULDET BLEV TILL SAND and DU MÅSTE FINNAS. In addition Tmmy Krberg sang ANTHEM and with Danny Saucedo I CAN SEE MYSELF IN YOU. So, Benny and Bjrns music was quite well represented.
Bjrn s Lena oktber 27-n rszt vett az j sportcsarnok megnyitjn,felcsendltek a Sakk s a Kristina c. musical dalai is.
Crownprincess and her husband were there too.
A koronahercegn s frje is megjelent a megnyitn.
18 ve trtnt / 18th Anniversary |
2012.10.21. 14:07 |
Thank You For the Music - the box
The first official ABBA Box entitled "Thank You For The Music" containing 4 CDs saw its release on October 31, 1994. The box featured 3 CDs with ABBA songs recorded between 1972 and 1982 as well as one CD with rare songs and previously unreleased stuff which was mixed together in a medley. Among unreleased songs there were parts of: "Just Like That", "Rubber Ball Man", "Hamlet" and many others. Even other previously unreleased songs as "Put On Your White Sombrero", "Dream World" and the Doris Day version of "Thank You For The Music" saw their release on this box. A 66-side-booklet contained hundreds of rare pictures as well as the story of the group
1994. oktberben jelent meg ez a nagyon szp kiadvny, box.
A 4. cd soha meg nem jelent felvteleket tartalmaz amelyek ekkor jelentek meg elszr, a rajongk nagy rmre.
Kzepn egy fzet tallhat, mely sok rdekes kpet s emlkeket tartalmaz az egyttesrl.
New release / j kiadvny |
2012.10.11. 14:55 |
j BAO album jelenik meg karcsonyra, karcsonyi dalokkal.
2012. november 14-n kerl a boltokba.
BAO will release a Christmas album! It contains both old and new Christmas songs! Title will be TOMTEN HAR ÅKT HEM (SANTA HAS GONE HOME )
Track listing: Marsch Militaire / Tomten har åkt hem / Julvals / Tomtestomp / Knalle Juls vals / Tomtarnas vaktparad / Vinterhamn / Mssens julafton (Nr ntterna blir långa) / Trettondagspolkan / Julpotpurri / Nu tndas tusen juleljus
New release/ j kiadvny |
2012.10.11. 14:48 |
Tommy Krberg s Danny Saucedo kzs dalt jelentet meg. A dal szvegrja Bjrn Ulvaeus a zeneszerz Tobias Gustavsson.
Oktber 15-n jelenik meg.
Universal will finally release the Tommy Krberg & Danny Saucedo duet I CAN SEE MYSELF IN YOU. Lyrics by Bjrn Ulvaeus and music by Tobias Gustavsson. Digital release on October 15 and live performance during the televised opening ceremony of Friends Arena on October 27.
ABBA museum 2013. |
2012.10.03. 17:01 |
ABBA The Museum opens in Stockholm, Sweden
At last, ABBA the Museum opens in Sweden. ABBA’s collected works will be showcased in a contemporary, interactive setting at Swedish Music Hall of Fame, a new exhibit venue located at Djurgården, Stockholm, set to open next year.
The great search for all things related to ABBA’s music, lyrics, stage costumes, musicals and films has gone on for quite some time. And Swedish Music Hall of Fame provides the perfect framework for it, says original ABBA member Bjrn Ulvaeus.
’ABBA The Museum will fit right in at Swedish Music Hall of Fame, as it is a part of Sweden’s pop history. And the location at Stockholm’s Djurgården feels like coming home,’ says Ulvaeus.
Behind the scenes, Mattias Hansson – Managing Director of ABBA The Museum – is in charge of getting the museum up and running.
’Swedish pop music is an important part of our cultural heritage’, says Hansson. ’And ABBA is one of our most well known international brands. It’s our duty to give their work a permanent space here.’
2013. tavaszn megnylik az ABBA mzeum Stockholmban!
lland ABBA Mzeum nylik jvre Stockholmban – jelentette be Mattias Hansson, az ABBA The Museum elnevezs projekt vezetje szerdn a svd fvrosban.
Az egykori svd popegyttesrl ez lesz az egyetlen lland killts a vilgon, amely a szervezk remnyei szerint “szz vig is fenn fog maradni”.
A mzeum az eddig vilgot jr ABBAWORLD killtst fogja felvltani, sszegyjtve egy helyre az ABBA-relivikat.
Bemutatja a zenekar trtnetvel sszefgg trgyakat, szemlyes holmikat, ismert sznpadi ruhkat, hangszereket, lemezeket s mg soha nem ltott s hallott hang- s filmfelvteleket is – hangzott el a sajttjkoztatn, amelyen szemlyesen rszt vett az egyttes egyik alapt tagja, Bjrn Ulvaeus is.
A mzeumot a svd fvros egyik turisztikailag legfrekventltabb krzetben helyezik el, a Kirlyi-szigeten, ahol a Vasa Hajmzeum, a Skanzen, valamint a vros vidmparkja is tallhat. Az v vgre elkszl zenei mzeum, a Swedish Music Hall of Fame fpletben kap helyet. A tervek szerint 2013 prilisban nylik meg.
Mattias Hansson projektvezet elmondta, hogy “a zenei mzeummal egy olyan kzpontot szeretnnek ltrehozni, ahol interaktv mdszerrel a zene irnt minden rdekld – klns tekintettel a gyermekekre s a fiatalokra – helyben t tudja lni a zene nyjtotta lmnyt, kikapcsoldst s rmt.” A projektet egy svd alaptvny finanszrozza, amelynek tmogati tbbek kztt a mai svd popzene kiemelked alakjai.
Az 1970-ben alakult ABBA egyttes – Bjrn Ulvaeus, Benny Andersson, Agnetha Fltsog s Anni-Frid Lyngstad – akkor vlt vilgszerte ismertt, amikor 1974-ben a Waterloo cm dalval megnyerte az Eurovzis Dalfesztivlt.
Madame Toussaud's |
2012.10.03. 16:56 |
Madame Tussauds waxwork models of Swedish pop group Abba are displayed at a roller disco in the Renaissance Room in London on October 2, 2012. The wax models of Agnetha, Anni-Fird, Benny and Bjorn were dressed in replica outfits worn in their 1975 hit 'SOS'. The figures will take up residence in the London attraction before going on a world tour including Vienna, Berlin, Amsterdam and Blackpool. Each figure cost GBP 150,000 (187,666 Euros) and took four months to create. They will take up their position in the Music Zone of Madame Tussauds London alongside Michael Jackson and The Beatles.
Elkszltek a viaszfigurk. Mindegyik GBP 150,000 (187,666 Euros)-ba kerlt s 4 hnapig kszlt. Michael Jackson s a The Beatles mell kerlnek majd a mzeumban zene szekciba.