30th anniversary / 30 ve trtnt |
2013.05.30. 19:04 |

The album "Wrap Your Arms Around Me" was released in Sweden on May 31st, 1983.
Agnetha albuma 30 ve jelent meg Svdorszgban.

2013.05.13. 23:49 |

Az ABBA – A legenda cm knyv arrl mesl, hogyan sikerlt Agnethnak, Bjrnnek, Bennynek s Anni-Fridnek az, amivel egyetlen svd popegyttes sem dicsekedhet: tz v leforgsa alatt olyan popzent rtak s adtak el, amely messze tlszrnyalta hazjuk hatrait, s amelyet az egsz vilgon ismertek s istentettek. A csapatot tbb mint negyven ve alaptottk, harmincegy vvel ezeltt oszlott fel, de a varzs mg mindig nem mlik el. A nemzetkzi siker Mamma Mia! cm musicalnek s a belle kszlt filmnek ksznheten az ABBA most is tbb mint 1 milli CD-t ad el vente, s ezzel tovbbra is a vilg legnpszerbb egyttesnek szmt.
Az r, Carl Magnus Palm rszletesen beszmol a sikertrtnetrl, tbbek kztt arrl, mivel foglalkoztak az egyttes tagjai a nagy tallkozs eltt, hogyan ismerkedett s hzasodott ssze a kt szerelmes pr azrt, hogy aztn a cscson elvljanak, hogyan ltk meg a sikerekkel teli 70-es veket, s mihez kezdtek a nagy csapat feloszlsa utn.
Palm immr tizent ve r s gyjti az informcikat az ABBA-rl. Szmos knyvet rt a trtnetkrl angol nyelven, s egyet svdl is publiklt. A Polar Music tancsadja sz szerint mestere a tmnak!
Ez a knyv az els svd nyelv, teljes kr letrajz az egyttesrl.
Oldalak szma: 416
Sly: 1500 gr
ISBN: 9789633434147
Kiads ve: 2013
ABBA – The Story
Carl Magnus Palm
Back in 2001, when my English-language ABBA biography, Bright Lights Dark Shadows, was published, there was hope that it would be available in several different languages. For various reasons, except for German and Russian, this never happened. I found it especially annoying that we couldn’t get the book published in Sweden – after all, it’s ABBA’s home-country as well as my own. That thought simply wouldn’t leave me alone.
The solution was obvious: to go back to the drawing board and write a brand new ABBA biography, which would again tell the story of ABBA, but this time in Swedish. The new book, published in September 2008, was entitled ABBA – The Story: Berttelsen om supergruppen (The Story About The Super Group).
Naturally, the events of the 21st Century were covered in some detail in this new book, which of course was not the case with, for example, Bright Lights Dark Shadows. Furthermore, new information that had come to light about the ABBA years informed the Swedish book.
There were around 60 colour and black & white pictures in the book, covering the pre-ABBA days up until the present.
In addition to the Swedish edition, the book has been published in the following countries: Norway, Denmark, Finland, the Czech Republic, Estonia and Hungary. The book will also be published in Poland (exact date to be confirmed).
40th anniversary / 40 ve trtnt |
2013.03.02. 10:42 |

Az egyttes bemutatkoz lemeze 40 ve jelent meg 1973.mrcius vgn.
Az els lemez mra mr sok jl ismert dalt tartlamaz. A Ring ring c. dalt svd s angol nyelven is. Ez az album megfelelt a nemzetkzi bemutatkozsra, de mg egyltaln nem az igazi Abba szlalt meg rajta. Nhny dal igencsak slgergyans volt mr megjelensekor is. A ksbbi dalokban fellelhetk az els szerzemnyek is, amelyek ekkor mg mindenfle zenei divatirnyzatot kvettek. Az eredeti s egyedi Abba hangzsra mg vrni kellett.

The first ABBA album "Ring Ring" was released on 26 March 1973 in Sweden.
Ring Ring - the first album
The first album entitled "Ring Ring" was released by Polar Music on 26 March 1973. It included some already well-known hits as "People Need Love" and "He Is Your Brother" as well as some upcoming singles "Love Isn't Easy", "Nina Pretty Ballerina" and of course the title song "Ring Ring" in two language versions: Swedish and English.
The album was good enough to be promoted internationally but it was no "real" ABBA yet. The songs were a mixture of all possible trends. It was quite easy to recognize which songs had been planned for Bjrn and Benny's second album if you listen to "I Saw It In The Mirror" or "Rock'n'Roll Band". The latter one was in fact performed live on their tours with lead vocals sung by Frida. The old-fashioned sounding "I Am Just A Girl" was maybe an early version of the future success tunes as "I Do I Do I Do...", "Hasta Manana" and "I've Been Waiting For You". Three songs that had a big potential were "Nina, Pretty Ballerina", "Another Town Another Train" and "Love Isn't Easy" and they would be released as singles in other countries in Europe. Agnetha contributed for the first and last time during the ABBA period with her own composition "Disillusion" (released as "Mina gon" earlier on one of her solo LPs) and Frida sang leadvocal on the quite underestimated "Me And Bobby And Bobby's Brother".
35th anniversaries / 35 ve trtnt |
2013.02.02. 16:07 |

On 16 February ABBA attended the British premiere of "ABBA The Movie" at the Warner Theatre in Leicester Square. Benny said: "We are always delighted to come to Great Britain. After all, it was here that we won the Eurovision Song Contest and that's something we'll always remember as the biggest milestone in our career".

35 ve mutattk be elszr Angliban az Abba filmet. A premieren mind a 4-en rszt vettek.
Benny gy emlkszik vissza, hogy Anglia sokat jelent a karrierjkben, hiszen 1974-ben itt Brightonban nyertk meg az Eurovizis dalfesztivlt. Innt indult a karrierjk.

40th anniversary / 40 ve trtnt |
2013.02.02. 15:59 |

Polar Music released the single "Ring Ring" (Swedish version)/"Åh vilka tider" on February 14th, 1973 in Sweden. The single entered Svensktoppen on March 11th, 1973 at #1 where it stayed for 9 weeks. Totally "Ring Ring" stayed on the chart for 17 weeks (until July 8th, 1973).
The English version of "Ring Ring" with "She's My Kind Of Girl" credited only to Bjrn and Benny on the B-side was released on February 19th, 1973 in Sweden and other Scandinavian countries. In Sweden the English version of "Ring Ring" entered the chart on March 20th, 1973 where it stayed for 8 weeks peaking at #2.

40 vvel ezeltt jelent meg a Ring ring c. dal svdl s angolul is.
A slgerlistn sokig szerepelt.
37th anniversary / 37 ve trtnt |
2013.01.29. 15:24 |

"Fernando" became one of the biggest ABBA hits ever. "Hey Hey Helen" was chosen in most countries for the B-side of the single. The cover picture had been taken during filming of the video for the song.
The single was released in Sweden in March 1976 and it stayed on the chart "Topplistan" for 11 weeks peaking at #2 in April. In Norway the single stayed for 21 weeks peaking at #2.
In France the single "Fernando" was released already on February 20, 1976. The song on the B-side on the French release was "Dance (While the Music Still Goes On)" taken from the album "Waterloo". "Fernando" entered the French chart first in April and stayed there for 13 weeks peaking at #1 (for 3 weeks).
Even the Italian release of the single contained "Tropical Loveland" on the B-side. "Fernando" stayed on the Italian single chart for 21 weeks reaching #6.
In Spain "Fernando" b/w "Intermezzo No. 1" entered the chart in March and it stayed there for 24 weeks peaking at #3.
Even the Dutch single had "Tropical Loveland" on the B-side. It entered the single chart in Holland on March 20th and stayed there for 12 weeks peaking at #1 (for 3 weeks).
The Austrian release of the single featured slightly different cover and like in West Germany "Tropical Loveland" on the B side. It entered the chart on April 15th and stayed there for 24 weeks reaching #1.
In the United Kingdom "Fernando" entered the chart on March 27 where it stayed for 15 weeks reaching the top on May 8th (4 weeks).
"Fernando" was number 1 hit in Belgium, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa and Switzerland. In Finland and Norway the single reached #2. "Fernando" saw its release in Australia on March 18, 1976. It entered the Australian chart on #16 and stayed there for 33 weeks reaching # 1.

In Hungary and in DDR it released with different cover and B side Dancing Queen.

Az Abba egyttes egyik legnagyobb slgere 1976 mrciusban jelent meg szerte a vilgon.
Egyes orszgokban ms dalt vlasztottak B oldalnak. Pl. Tropical loveland vagy a Dancing Queen c. dalt.
Villm gyorsan kerlt a slgerlistk lre s j pr htig ott is tartzkodott.
A magyar kiads B oldala a Dancing Queen volt s a bortra rdekes mdon a Waterloo kosztms kp kerlt.

The album "Frida Ensam" (Frida Alone) was released by Polar Music on November 10th, 1975 in whole Scandinavia. The LP was promoted in Scandinavia by the song "Fernando" which entered Svensktoppen (in Sweden) in December 75 and it reached #1 where it stayed for 9 weeks. "Fernando" came out as a single in Norway.
Frida Ensam c. albumn jelent meg a dal elszr svdl, 1975-ben. 9 htig vezette a slgerlistkat Skandinviban.
2013.01.22. 18:58 |

Benny and Ludvig attended a ceremony held in Stockholm January 21, 2013, and won Benny in reference to the theme song he composed for the tv movie "Who Killed Palme?", which tells the story of the tragic murder of Olof Palme, Prime Minister of Sweden 1986.
Benny was presented his award by one of Swedish star and Eurovision winner Carola. Benny joked during his acceptance speech that it was unfair that someone over 65-years old should win the award because it was a struggle remembering the names of the people he needed to thank!

Benny s fia Ludvig 2013. janur 21-n megjelentek egy djkioszt nnepsgen.
Benny djat nyert a svd miniszterelnk Olof Palme emlkre ksztett
dokumentumfilm zenjrt.
A djat a svd nekesn Carola adta t Bennynek. Benny vicceldtt, mikor tvette a djat, azt mondta nem fer, hogy valaki 65 ven tl djat nyerhessen, mert nagyon nehz mr ebben a korban visszaemlkezni arra, kiknek kell megksznnie azt.

Rare demo / Klnleges demo |
2013.01.14. 15:28 |
A rajongk nagy rmre, elkerlt egy klnleges felvtel. Az 1975-s I do I do c. dal hallhat demo felvtelen a kihagyott extra versszakkal. Bizonyra emlkeztek arra, hogy a Dancing Queen c. szmbl is kihagytak egy versszakot.
Ez a rsz a dalban ott kellene elhangozzon, ahol a szaxofonos szl rsz van.
Szmomra mg egy meglepets volt. Az 1978-ban kiadott els Abba albumban megtallhat ez a versszak is a kottsfzetben. Akkoriban fel sem tnt hogy ez kimaradt, nem is tudom hogy kerlte el a figyelmemet, pedig meg sem tudom mondani hnyszor hallgattam meg kottval a kezemben.

I do I do with extra verse. A very big find a real rare demo again.
In the Hungarian sheetmusic what was released in 1978 we can find this verse.
I can't tell you how could I miss this part of the sheetmusic. I listened to it many times before.

Click on the pics for better quality!
Kattints a kpre, hogy jobban lthat legyen!
Let's get together
every day will be better
I love you
I do, I do, I do, I do, I do
Leave it or take it
I believe we can make it
don't you too?
I do, I do, I do, I do, I do
Benny Andersson & Helen Sjholm |
2012.12.17. 19:44 |

Lucia, December 13th
Benny and Helen promoted BAO's new Christmas Album participating in the Saint Lucia concert at the Dome in Uppsala. The concert was broadcasted by Swedish TV in the early morning (7am) on Decmeber 13, 2012. Benny played piano and Helen performed new song from the album "Vinterhamn" and the Christmas traditional "Nu tndas tusen juleljus". They gave a performance of totally 11 minutes.

Benny sokat szerepel a TV-ben. 13-n Helen Sjholmmal lptek fel a svd TV karcsonyi msorban.
Uppsalban mutattak be dalokat a legjabb karcsonyi albumrl.
A BAO nem rgen megjelent cd-jrl.

30th Anniversary / 30 ve trtnt |
2012.11.30. 14:52 |

Az egyttes nagylemeze ma ppen 30 ve jelent meg Svdorszgban.

The album "The Visitors" saw its release in Scandinavia on November 30th, 1981.