News/Hrek : rvers Stockholmban / Auction in Stockholm |
rvers Stockholmban / Auction in Stockholm
2013.06.28. 20:58
Huszontezer ABBA-relikvit rvereznek el Svdorszgban
Stockholm, 2013. jnius 28., pntek (MTI) - A valaha kalapcs al kerlt legnagyobb ABBA-gyjtemnyre licitlhatnak az rdekldk a Stockholm's Auction House egy augusztusi rversn, amelyen a svd popegytteshez ktd tbb mint 25 ezer emlktrgy kerl tertkre.
A kollekci jelenleg Thomas Nordin tulajdont kpezi, 39 vvel ezeltt, 9 vesen kezdte gyjteni az ABBA-relikvikat, miutn desanyjtl megkapta az egyttes Waterloo cm slgernek kislemezt. Nordin, aki mindssze hrom trgyat fog megtartani a gyjtemnybl, a Svd Rdinak nyilatkozva mondta el, hogy az tdik X fel kzeledve gy rezte, eljtt az id a vltoztatsra.
A Stockholm's Auction House 830 ezer svd koront (28 milli forint) szabott meg a kollekci minimlis raknt. Az rverst augusztus 10-11-re hirdettk meg, a nagykznsg pedig pntektl az aukcishzban veheti szemgyre a trgyakat, amelyeket augusztus 10-ig az interneten is meg lehet nzni.
A szabknt dolgoz Nordin a bartai, ms gyjtk, knyves- s lemezboltok, valamint az internet rvn tett szert gyjtemnyre, amelynek egyik legpompsabb darabja egy pr - kifejezetten az amerikai piacra sznt - ABBA-klumpa. 1999-ben az egsz kollekcit klcsn kapta a stockholmi szaki Mzeum az ABBA The Exhibition cm trlathoz.
A gyjtemny kt kiemelked darabja egy-egy nagylemez, amely soha nem kerlt kereskedelmi forgalomba: 15 ezer korona (flmilli forint) a kikiltsi ra a Saang till Grel cm albumnak, amely mindssze 50 pldnyban kszlt 1979-ben az egyttes egyik asszisztensnek 30. szletsnapjra, s legalbb 25 ezer koront (850 ezer forint) remlnek a Hovas Vittne cm korongrt, amelyet 200 pldnyban adtak ki 1981-ben Stig Anderson producer 50. szletsnapjra.
Az ereklyegyjtemny egyedlll kollekcit foglal magban jsgkivgsokbl, mert az egyttes maga nem gyjttte a rluk szl cikkeket, ezt Thomas Nordin helyettk is megtette 1974-tl napjainkig.
A gyjt nem tudta megvalstani lmt, sajt ABBA-mzeum ltrehozst, de most remli, hogy a nemrg megnylt stockholmi ABBA Mzeum licitl a pratlan gyjtemnyre.
ABBA-memorabilia at Stadsauktion
The ABBA Collection by Thomas Nordin – the biggest collection of ABBA memorabilia ever put up for auction, 25,000 items!
It all started back in 1974, when nine-year-old Thomas Nordin settled down in front of the TV to watch the contest to select the Swedish entry for the Eurovision Song Contest. But he fell asleep and missed ABBA …
However, when the main competition was held in Brighton, he managed to stay awake and witnessed the Swedish quartet’s march to victory. His mother then bought him the single “Waterloo” and the die was cast. Thomas has a lot to thank ABBA for – even his choice of career was down to the Swedish pop sensation. When he saw their fantastic costumes, he was so fascinated by them that he decided to become a tailor. He followed his dream and now works as a master tailor, cutting and making stage costumes.
Thomas Nordin started collecting everything ABBA-related he could get his hands on, and today – 39 years later – his collection comprises an astounding 25,000 items. Naturally, there are a great many records with highlights including the LP featuring “Ring Ring”, Japan 1973, an alternative mix of the single “Waterloo”, and the 12-inch versions of “Hovas Vittne” and “Sång till Grel”. The collection also includes unusual merchandise from the United States, Japan and Australia. For example, there are ABBA clogs made exclusively for the American market, rare ABBA soaps and ABBA dolls, a huge collection of clippings and books, and authentic posters.
In 1999, the entire collection was loaned out to “ABBA The Exhibition” at Nordiska Museet in Stockholm, Sweden. Thomas also loaned some of his records to the travelling exhibition “ABBA World”, which was hosted in venues in London, Australia and Hungary, for example, before finding a permanent home at ABBA The Museum, which is to open in Stockholm on 7 May.
The ABBA Collection by Thomas Nordin at Stadsauktion, Magasin 5, Frihamnen, Stockholm.
Viewing: 28 June–10 August
Auction: 10–11 August
Stadsauktion, Magasin 5, Frihamnen, Stockholm